I want to quit Facebook... I am not but I want to..

I want to quit Facebook... I am not but I want to.. so I thought I would share why.

I live a relatively dull life on the outside, and feel this constant sharing makes me want to prove I really do get the occasional pedicure and find some excitement.  Yes, I sit on the porch every morning. I read the paper on line.  Walk the occasional sunrise on the beach.  Go for a walk, and enjoy a good bagel with nova and cream cheese.  I am not complaining but am certain many of you go he needs some excitement in his life. (Trust me I am fine!)

As much as I appreciate everyone else's status, I wonder about this constant need to post where, what and how we all do what we do every day.  I watch these older shows and wonder what were they doing at 8pm each night and how we could have survived without knowing each moment of the day what all of us are doing.  I guess when the compelling need to share soemthing people just picked up the phone.  I think about this collection of information that Facebook, Google and Apple have about me and what happens when they decide to change their security policy to market and sell ads to directly approach me where I am or what I am doing at any moment.  I can see that first add coming to my smart ass phone "Mr. Silverman, do you need some excitement in your life?  Well we have a blue pill, a new drink, the perfect workout, or something that will make your life all that in can be".  Or, better, "Mr. Silverman, we noticed that most people only spend .3 seconds reading your wall on Facebook.  You need some excitement, and we have a service that can help, for $9.95 a month we will post more exciting things about your life regularly on Facebook so people believe you really have a more exciting life and then they will spend up to 3.8 seconds on your wall each day!  Improving your popularity!"

I worry, seriously, that Facebook has reduced the security standards for teenagers and young kids so their usage and data can go out into the world and be used for advertising.  Kids in their want to be included, their need to be accepted, and feeling of immortality do not need Facebook taking another level of privacy away from them.

I worry that every time I try and do anything as simple as send a Hallmark card they want to have access to my friends, newsfeeds, and information so that I expose all of you to whatever they want to market. (I say no by the way every time.).

The above is why I don't play the games on Facebook because they want to do the same thing.  Don't take offense that I don't want to play that farmwhat, candywho, and whatever else is out there I just don't want to expose everyone in my friends list to it.  Frankly, my attention span is short and based on the above I may not be much fun to play with me any way.

I appreciate the getting to know you all again.  I understand that this has become the back fence of the 21st century where we talk to our e-neighbors, but I would like to at times just turn it off and not feel that I am letting you all down.  Sort of like Find Friends on my iPhone, does anyone really want to know where I am every minute of the day?

I hate that it will tell everyone when my birthday is, cause it ranks up there with college football that as much as I know I should care I really don't.  There are people, and family that know when my birthday is.  Either they were there, they have known me a while, and are close to me.  But, passing my birthday each year isn't a significant part of my life.

OK, I hate the posts where you are supposed to read the whole thing and then post on your wall to show you care.  Frankly, if you are my friend on Facebook I care about you but I rarely do that for any one.  You should know me well enough to know how I feel, and frankly if you don't remember how we met maybe we should keep that a secret. (smiles)

I am grateful my parents are not on Facebook since there is an occasional embarrassing picture that may involve beer, wine or jello shots.

I would pay the $10 a month like I used to pay AOL, if it meant no more ads on Facebook.

I won't sign off for good.  I would miss Glen prodding me to write on my blog. (I have made $12 since June off of my blog so, this is the best marketing outlet to get this to $14). I would miss the occasional chat with friends, and the occasional interest item.  But seriously, am I the only one that is finding this a little bit consuming of their time? And psyche?  What is truly most interesting to me, is in the NY Times, and they spend every waking minute researching and reporting all the news that is fit to print. I would recommend spending a little more time there than on my wall.  Or, Read Dear Abby every morning because there is bound to be a feeling of luckiness that you are not writing to her.  Or, might I suggest a short walk in the morning.  I assure you that and the possibility of doing many other things are more interesting that my wall on Facebook, and I hope to keep my personal excitement level on Facebook at a minimum.

Just saying... and letting off some Facebook Steam!


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