What do I care about.. at this moment?
This is an article about what I really care about.
This starts out on a bad tone that is GA is losing to Missouri. I sit here and frankly I care, but not nearly
as much as anyone around me on Facebook.
I remember great times at GA football games. The first game walking into the stadium, and
the great expectations you could feel of all that were there were amazing. Also, it accompanied my being a pledge at
AEPi and all of the memories.
I have to confess, that I care more about Serena William
winning the US Open that if the Bulldogs won the game today. I think her amazement as a lady, and a
personal force of success seems much more exciting to me. I want to say it is cause I played tennis in
my life, but truthfully I think she is an amazing person as well as her sister
Yes, this may be considered criminal as a southern man
growing up in the state of Georgia and a very proud UGA alumni, but the idea of
watching a football game on the TV and having to gasp at each play and wonder
what the results are just doesn't interest me cause honest I don't care that
much. I say not that much, because I do
brag on occasion but I would rather be walking on the beach, watching a sappy
movie on Netflix, or sitting outside drinking a beer with a good friend.
There shall be no doubt I care about my family. At this stage, I have friends who no longer
have parents alive. I have friends, who
have parents and family who because of who they love do not want them in their
lives. Luckily, I have
healthy parents who love me and have been accepting since almost the
moment I came out. I have a sister,
brother,aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews who all seem to be accepting of me as I am. I care,
love and try to remind myself how lucky I am every day.
I care about my friends.
Who for want of another term, are part of my family. They found a way to accept and like me, even
some love me, even though they don't even have to. (smiles).
They vary across the spectrum of men and women. Across the globe actually, and most of them
just seem to accept and like me. Even
at this time of my life where the next steps in my life are uncertain. I have one luxury, especially now, that some
of my best friends are my beacons of work.
Whether Sandy Bickett in North Carolina and Renee and Amber in Texas, I
have the luxury of people in my life who are not just friend but guides to the future as well.
There is also a dog or two, and their families of humans
(smiles), that I care a great deal about.
I appreciate cats, but due to allergies don't have enough experience with
them. But, I have been lucky most of my
life to have dogs who I can honestly say have allowed me to be their friend and
in many cases shown unconditional love when I needed it the most.
I care about happiness, and don't understand why more people
don't appear to. I don't understand why
there is not more of a focus in our society of people being happy as I believe
that leads to loving kindness, generosity, and charitable hearts.
I care about the plants on my patio, knowing that I have a
tendency to forget to water plants and now worry that I may be over watering
I care about the sunrise every morning. I am consistently amazed that the view every
morning looking out across the ocean changes.
I feel so lucky and grateful that I have started to get up early
enough. I also care about sunsets and
the luxury how lovely they are from my patio.
I care about some public people that I know are amazing can
still surprise me. Simple, Cher's latest
album maybe the best of her career to me.
I am amazed when she could have coasted in her career, since the game is
now concert tours, she delivered something that is not only amazing but touches
my heart on occasion. Listen to the song
"I Hope You Find It" and see how long till you realize that she is
walking away from a relationship.
I don't care about TV.
Glen sparked me by giving me a list of things to write about, and TV was
one of them. I continue to be happy not
to be able to watch any of the current TV shows and it doesn't bother me. I do worry at times, as a marketing
therapist, that I need to see more commercials but I am not ready to rejoin the
prime time of TV.
I don't care about the political discourse we have
today. I worry about a US government
that is not balanced by two parties who at their heart believe they know what
is best for the country instead of the desire to get re-elected.
I care that the more independent this country becomes of
providing our own energy needs that this will lead to more instability around the
world especially in the middle east.
I care that we continue to be concerned about the
environment, and that people around the globe will realize in the end to solve
climate issues we will have to be a world of care not just a bunch of countries
more worried about our own passport.
I care that we as a population we are not more concerned about protecting our
personal lives enough to be concerned about sharing our information, pictures
and locations to the trusted world of Facebook, Apple, and Google. These apps on my iPhone that can track where
I am and let these companies know scare me.
I sit here caring about people I worked with, and watching
the changes in corporate culture and wondering what the future holds.
So, yes, I wish the Dawgs had won today. I would like to say I care about this as much
as many of you reading this, but I can't.
Frankly team sports in general, if not playing, seem odd to be so in tuned
to watching them when you have no means to change the outcome. If you can't do something to help them win
then the idea that win or loss of a game, such as the one today, should be a major contributor
to your mood or happiness escapes me. I
know that it does for many including my father and sister, but I must confess
that is doesn't strike me too much.
I can honestly say, I care about this blog. It started out on a whim to not scare people
on planes and has ended up being a way for me to open up my mind in ways that I
can't imagine doing otherwise. I can
also say if you have found my blog, I care about you as well.
Shalom to everyone!