Calling a Facebook Time Out!

OK, so here I am, August in Austin.  It is our third summer in Austin and the 100-degree days don't seem so bad although they shorten Daisy Belle's adventures in the daytime.  Maybe it is the heat, but it is time to shake things up!

As I walked around Lady Bird Lake before the sun rose, this morning, I thought about what I could do to be more in the present and change things in my life.  Already have a dog and a cat, not looking for fish or rabbits, so I think we have all the pets we can handled.  Maybe a new hairstyle?  But being bald what could I really do so radical, I have already shaved my head at times, and nobody even noticed. 

I thought about learning a new language or how to paint.  How, when and where would I find the time for that!

Then I read this op-ed piece in the NY Times on DataInternet Privacy Tracking.  All these sites, advertisers, and social sites that are eager to track my every move.  Sort of made me want to run and hide from the digital universe.  I started to think of the profile they have created of who they think I am, and dare I say it scares me.  Imagine, you receive your DNA test on-line and now all these sites as you browse may know even more about you than your spouse!

Then I came up with one radical idea, what if I gave up Facebook for a week?  Just for a week.  I probably check in 5 to 10 times a day, and sometimes I get lost in all your interesting posts, pictures of puppies and cats, and get riled up over a post or two that just makes me ticked off.  I might miss that missing invite to a class reunion that I probably wouldn’t attend any way.

Would escaping for one week from Facebook, free up enough time for exploring new ideas?  Will I take up painting?  Become the next Grandpa Moses?  Will I find the time to learn more about XML and JSON which is on my list of tasks, that I have not done but want to?  Will Daisy Belle get longer walks, or will I take an additional nap or two?  What will happen to my world sans Facebook?

It is only a week, and  I can’t go cold turkey on all social media.  So, LinkedIn in small doses and an occasional tweet are possible.  Facebook that wants to track my every breath will have to live without me for a week.  Yes, I do realize based on the NY Times article they will continue to track me but. I as there will be more off the grid moments they won’t know as much.

So, I want to know. what will life be like off the social media world.  Honestly, I have lived without social media for most of my life.  Most of my adult life social media was dull email. (sort of miss that don’t you?)  The before texting was a way of using phones, and if people didn’t know where you were every moment, they didn’t call out a search brigade to find you.

I also consider this a service.  For those hired by Facebook to listen and transcribe messages on Facebook, my not being online will assure they do not have to listen and write about my dull life.  That is why I have this blog any way.

So, as of Friday morning at 10am, I am going to stay off Facebook for 7 days.  If you need me, and send me messages there, I am not ignoring you I am off the Facebook carousel for a week.

I will share my experience, next Friday.  Will there be withdrawal symptoms?  Will I read more books?  Or will I just go MAD!  Stay tuned!

If there is anything urgent email at  Or if you "really" know me, send me a text.


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