Saturday Reflections: Musings on Life, Television, and Elections

A few random thoughts on a Saturday morning?

  1. I appreciate The Bear TV Show and understand the awards, but I don’t like watching it and don’t see any contradiction.
  2. In college, I knew how to get an A, and I assume I knew how to get an F, but I didn’t know how to differentiate effort to get a B or C.  This has continued in my work life; I am either all in, or I feel like I am failing.
  3. This election year is more stressful than at any point in my lifetime.
  4. I don’t understand why the Democrats can’t get behind their candidates as much as the Republicans.
  5. I don’t color my hair.  I appreciate being bald, as I don't spend time worrying about my hair.
  6. We have had a relatively cool July in Longview; I assume Mother Nature’s payback in August will not be pleasant.
  7. People assume I am an introvert.  Not necessarily. I just enjoy my own company.  This is one reason I need my early morning walks alone. 
  8. As I age, I realize that change is good; it is desired for me, but trying to change to please others is never permanent or a good idea.
  9. People should live their happiest lives without assuming that others' different choices do not make them happy.
  10. If the news you look at each day agrees with everything you believe to be accurate, then you need to look at more news sources.
  11. I don't like smartphone software "improving" the pictures I take.  I want what I see, and if I can't snap the right picture, I can try again.  It is another step from reality being shared online.
  12. If you disagree with someone, consider a dog's approach to dealing with the situation. Dogs may pout for a moment if they don't get their way, but quickly, they let you know they love you and then go take a nap.


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