Glen asked me to write one more blog post before the month ends.. so blame him!

Glen asked me to write one more blog post before the month ends.. there are so many writers with so many fans, and I have a fan!  So, I thought it is Halloween so a little bit of rambling merriment is required.  Some of this is to be little funny and some serious, if you have a hard time deciding which is what think of it like trick or treat from my mind to yours.  

Halloween:  My first memory of Halloween was Mom and Dad got a cougar outfit from somewhere and that was my costume. I loved the costume and am eternally grateful this was before the era of Facebook and Instagram.

Banana Palm Trees:  OK, I ordered miniature palms trees for my patio.  I have a sinking suspicion as I watch another new leave sprout in one week that these are not miniature any where but the tropics.  I still am enjoying them though.

Huffington Post:  Yes, I am a liberal, and I admit it.  More so socially than fiscally, but I tend most often to vote democrat.  That said Huffington Post is leaning way to the left even for me.  I don't think people should follow Fox News for the same reason on the other end of the spectrum.  So, I un-friended her on Facebook.  I am also tired of her telling everyone to stop working so hard when she already has her millions and keeps going and going and going. 

Every Politician:  Should make a new pact with the American People.  The pact is for the next six months we are going to push for legislation that we know is in the best interest of the country.  The pact is we are stating we will do this with a total disregard to getting reelected.  Would be amazing to see the changes and the 
freedom they feel.  Some of those on the ultra extreme of each party will go to looneyville, but the centrist views would become the populist views and watch what happens.

Health Care:  If you are lazy and don't work hard enough, according to others, should the penalty be poor health or death?  (not saying that is the reason many dont' have health insurance but that is the argument from the politicians. )  Honest, there are crimes against humanity and people should bear the gain or pain of their efforts, but I think basic healthcare should be above that.

Halloween:  My next memory, is of being 11 or 12 and going trick or treating with my sister.  I am not sure we even dressed up, and I think there were a few houses along the way that questioned our sanity, but off we went.  About a 1/3 of the way some kids stole our bags of goodies.  We followed them and just as they were at the end of their run we challenged them and got not only our bags but theirs back.   Then Mom made us give most of it away I think to a children's ward at a hospital. 

Thankfully, I retired from being a trick or treater nor was interested in Halloween for a long time.

Sears: They still have great appliances and web site.  I ordered a Kenmore 4.4 cu refridge to be delivered for up to $75 less than any other site or store including Amazon, Home Depot and Lowes.  Sad that they are being run by a hedge fund person who only sees real estate and maybe some brand value. (yes the picture and link are a cheap grab for advertising.)

Halloween:  My next memory was being in Valley Cottage, NY.  I think was our first year in that house.  Was a great house, and frankly was a fun house to entertain, but that has absolutely nothing to do with this memory.  Any way, Harry, I and Mark Pagliario decided to go to Halloween Village Parade.  Harry and I were in New Hope, PA that previous weekend and I bought a Pocahontas wig, went to a thrift store and bought a skirt.  I remember deciding not shave my legs, which meant I needed stockings so we went to JC Penney for those.  The sales lady was not too pleased to be selling two men a pair of stockings.  Then at the last minute, as it was a chilly night, I added a pair of mickey mouse shorts under the skirt.  (ladies don't know how you do it... ).   All was well, and we were having fun, but I also wouldn't shave my beard.  So, instead of being recognized as Pocahontas I was confused with Willy Nelson in a skirt.

Fort Lauderdale Boat Show:  All I can think of is how lovely all the boats are and it is a sign that the season of northern tourists is upon us.  The other thought is what an unusual business show this is.  You go to an auto show and most people can find a car they can afford.  You go to an IT show and the vendors and customers are mostly two peas in a pod.  But, this boat show, the customers and the staff of the show come from such vastly different universes (so it would seem).  I was watching the staff the last few mornings hustling to the yachts with moms and brooms, Panerra bread goodies, and such to get ready to find that next customer.  

Halloween: For many years in we just stayed home, either turned out all the lights or depending on our hospitality would give out candy.  The problem with the candy idea is we kept having to buy more before Halloween which was not good for our waste lines.

Social Media:  Sandy Carter from IBM posted on her Social Business Sandy Page about teen usage of Social Media and asked if we were better off because of Social Media.  She came to the conclusion we are because we can reach other more readily and an example is her recent broken leg and pouring out of affection on Facebook.  I agree with her, but I worry about our youth.  Everything they do now has a permanent record.  If they go as a pink and purple Miley Cyrus for Halloween that won't just be a photo in a photo album. It won't just be a memory they will retell for years to come, improving on it with each telling, but that will be on Facebook.  That bothers me, it also bothers me that these sights in particular believe our postings on their site define us so they can categorize us and market to us. 

LinkedIn:  NO, I don't trust you to be the aggregator of all of my email so you can sell my likes and dislikes.  For the record, I don't do such a hot job of aggregating my own email but it will have to do.

Dear Abby:  I read you every morning, and usually on my iPhone.  You have an ad that covers up about a 1/3 of the letters and answers.  I can't even see what the ad is for... not liking that too much.

Glen:  My early memories of Glen growing up are interesting.  I remember going to his house as a kid and being amused that he had a cigar box under his bed with cash in it.  I remember when they got a pool, and how cool that was to go over and visit.  I also remember listening to a box set (I guess that was what it was then) of greatest hits of the Carpenters one weekend.

Evolution:  Ever wonder if somewhere in the depths of the sea or an island somewhere is that being that will surpass us on this planet?  They say killer whales actually have different languages depending about their location on earth and they get mad when they around other Killer Whales they don't understand.  So, maybe we aren't the smartest animal on this planet now.

Halloween: Last year, was fun and another reason why having Brian involved in costumes is not a good idea.  Graham, Mark and I were to be the three little bears.  But, because I insisted on whiskers we got more confused with mice than bears.  Not a good thing...

Healthcare: OK, I really want to understand it.  We will shut down the government to stop Obamacare.  In all many or most of the states that implemented their own exchange things seem to be working and insurance rates are lower.  And, the one thing we can scream about is the federal exchange for 36 states has some glitches and hiccups going live.  Has it occurred to anyone this is a magnitude of a registration effort that is greater than any before it?

Adam 12, Dragnet, and Emergency:  I keep watching episodes on Netflix.  ( I think I need some other tv finally.. but that is a post for another day.) I know there was much about that era that was terrible, racism, Vietnam wars and unrest (not to mention the sexual revolution and eventually the invention of the pet rock).  But when you watch the technology of the day, and they go about their daily routine it makes me wonder.  When I was in college, Sunday was parent day.  Many of my friends and myself knew the parental units expected a call and would catch up.  That gave you a few days to plan that natural grab for extra cash, excuses for a bad test grade, or find out what is the latest with the family.  Today, it is an IM a minute, text 
messages, and chat all the time.  Are we that much more interesting than in those days ?  I can't even remember if you could dial long distance from the dorm room.

Ashton Kutcher and Lenovo:  Do we really think he can help innovate at Lenovo?  and frankly would Demi Moore have been a better choice, and at half price?  

Lady Gaga's new album: Excerpts are out, she mentions she worries her popularity is waning.  Listen to those tracks against Cher's new album and you realize why Cher has been an icon for so long.  Love Lady Gaga, especially her free spirit and her message to the youth of this era, but she needs some variety.

Halloween and Drinking:  I have given up alcohol till my birthday.  Can I have fun on the drive without a beer in hand, and no costume?  

Kava Bars:  Speaking of drinking, anyone ever been to a Kava bar and any experiences feel free to share? 

In God we trust:  I know it is on every monetary unit of this country, and that doesn't bother me. But, I saw it on the bottom of an auto tag and it did. 

Technology:  If Google glasses and the like become a hit, and I can take your picture by just looking at you.  Man, those Walmart photos are going to get even worse, and you better take three looks in the mirror before you head out the door. 

eWeek, ZDnet, and Information Week:  You review all comments before they are posted, and my negative Apple comments never make it.  Just saying... I am watching.  I don't like the 5S sorry!!!

London and Heather Headley:  I almost made reservations to go see the Bodyguard in London. (any one want to go) Heather Headley is the star love her.  Original lioness on Broadway in the Lion King and Aida.  If you think about the Bodyguard movie what a great musical and we know the song at the end brings down the house every night. (Thanks Dolly Parton)

Ford: I still love my car, but just because you have a new version of the Ford Fusion doesn't mean the software from you and Microsoft doesn't' need to be updated.

Musings:  I used to think the idea of "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail" was my mantra.  I think the answer is we all need the "Freedom to Fail" which really means the freedom to take risks and not beat ourselves up if they don't work out.

Halloween 2013:  I am not sure what I will do this evening.  But, whatever you do please post as many pictures as possible on Facebook, Instagram and videos on Youtube cause there aren't enough smiles in our days. But, remember when you take your child out and think those cute pictures need to be posted, they will be taking care of you in your older age and "payback" is a bitch as they say.

Happy, Merry and Spooky Halloween.  Hope you found a trick, a treat and some fun in this post cause I did writing it.


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