Freedom to Fail

I do what I need to do.  To put it simply, when I get up in the morning,  I head to the beach and I feel each morning is starting with a mystery.  You must trust me when I tell you that sunrises are as different as snow flakes.  No two are alike.  This morning there was a storm out on the horizon and then the sun sneaks up on the side of the storm that never seem to make it onto shore. Two mornings ago it was a firing red clouds giving way to that lovely sun sneaking out from the horizon.

So, I do what I need to do.  I see the world, I must confess to a slightly evil grin when I see tourists reaching out to the beach with coffee in hand to watch this mystery unfold for them.  That mystery I get to witness every morning, and like a truly spoiled adult I get to sit at home and through the window of my living room watch the sun set in the evening through a screen of palm trees.

In between I do what I need to do.  I do some work in these days of uncertainty for me.  I actually ran a workshop, help with some opportunities, and earn some money.  Which in this world we live in I need to do.  This keeps me from feeling unproductive and keeps me from an idle mind as they say.  So, yes I do what I need to do.

That said, I had an unusual experience this week and I realized what I actually need is the freedom to fail.  Not that I will, but to open my eyes wider to look at the world as the potential it is and realize that I may make some wrong choices of my career or life and the possibility of failing is OK.  If I can truly do that, then I believe I will see between the sunrise of the morning and sunset of the evening new opportunities and continued adventure for happiness.  Who knows maybe the next is to pay greater attention to the moon.

In the mean time, I will continue to do what I need to do.  Just need to make sure that what I am doing is not just cause I feel a need to do for others.  Or, because I feel that is what I am expected to do.  What I need to do is to find what I need, open my mind, and be willing to open to the freedom that the possibility of failure can bring.

If this doesn't make sense, that is ok... it is new to me as well.  Stay tuned, with clarity over time this may make more sense, or this may just be one failed blogpost.


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