I am past the half way point in life... give or take a few years. (My birthday snuck past Facebook which I am truly happy about!) Some I want to give and some I want to take! I have been living in top ten's in my head so here goes the top ten things I know from the last year(s). 1) Make sure you are pursuing your dream and not someone else's. Define your success by your happiness not someone elses desires for you or how the world wants you to be. Pursuing your life based on others desires for you causes you to behave and do things that are not natural for you, doesn't make you happy, and in the end doesn't allow you to live up to your potential. 2) You must first identify the challenges of prejudice to combat and discard them from your life. We all want to be color blind, believe we are innocent of prejudice and treat everyone the same. But, reality is that you have to identify your inner prejudices to actually overcome them. People wh...