Does Elon Musk care that you drive a Tesla? Maybe that is the fuel (dollars) to change the world of energy consumption.

Does Elon Musk care that you drive a Tesla?  Maybe that is the fuel (dollars) to change the world of energy consumption.

Think about the Wild West of this country of years gone by.  Where a settler would saddle up a horse or two to a covered wagon and go to what was the wilderness.   Maybe have a few seeds to plant on his or her arrival, but would have little in terms of resources but the promise of free land or gold.  Those promises were enough for their family to take the chance of leaving the relative comfort of the east coast of the USA and head west.

That pioneer was dependent on the land for the resources his family needed.  Whether it was water from a well, plants they grew in a garden, and possibly even the resources to build their home and settle into a new world.

What if we envision a new pioneer today?  Taking the same approach but with a modern age twist?  The Pioneer saddles up her SUV and a trailer.  Drives to a space of land in some wilderness.  First thing she does is roll out her fuel storage unit and opens up its solar collector.  So, now she has a battery that can power her new home.  She can plug her SUV in to make sure she can get around and get the resources she needs for her new home.   Next, she is a sports fan and wants to see that video replay from the NBA Finals so she puts up her wireless antenna and pulls her TV out of the back and in minutes she has video powered by that large battery unit.   With some creativity for water collection she can not only be a true “pioneer” but not lose any of the benefits of a modern life.

We really are not that far off from this are we?  If you pay attention to  Elon Musk and realize maybe the Tesla is not his real dream to change the world, but to give each of us the ability to have a battery that will store all the power we need for a period of time at our house, business.  If you pair this with the next advance of 5G cell service  this is not George Jetson this is the real future.  There is no reason that the idea of being off the grid needs to mean any hardship at all.
Take it differently, we are at a point of inflection where the idea of storing energy in a high tech battery near “us” will allow us to have independence from a failure of the old fashioned power grid.  This will leave us much less defenseless to any international threats that threaten to bring down our country (or any country) because of being able to disconnect the masses from the electric power we have become so dependent on for so long.

What does this mean for the traditional utilities?  Today, not much, but If you imagine the continued advancement of these batteries then you can imagine the same level of advancement in collecting solar power or wind power close to the battery itself.  Then all of a sudden we have a self-powered home or business that loses nothing by not being connected to the grid.  So, what may today be a backup option, may become the main source of power and the utilities become the backup!

This may really be the next major innovation and global change to economies that are dependent on fossil fuels not to mention the positive impact on Global warming?


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