Spinning Wheels

I feel like a hamster.
One who sees a wheel, and jumps on board.
Can't stop running.
Calls it exercise but really, just can't stop going.

Maybe it isn't a hamster.
It is a Bunny.
Like the Eveready brand.
Keeps going, and going and going.

Possibly, a mouse.
One trying to learn that maze.
To get to some water, or possibly a nibble of kibble.
But, wondering why I am in the maze in the first place.

Or, just a rat.
One that is in a race.
Looking for the cheese, but somebody moved it.
Looking for some nourishment.

Nourishment, not for the stomach.
Nourishment for the mind.
To nourish one's soul.
Maybe open one's heart.

Need to be human.
Realize the luxury of choice.
I can open doors to cages.
Doors to be opened are opportunities.

I will choose the wheels to run, the mazes to navigate, the minds to nourish along with my own.


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