Random Thoughts of Insanity

OK... I keep trying to write something and failing.  So, Glen, this is not without effort it is just my mind is not focusing on one thing and it makes it hard for me.  To write a blog post takes focus for me, and most importantly it takes that what is in my head is entertaining enough to want to write and share.   I have tried to write about heroes, and failed.  I tried to do some random humor and put myself to sleep.  There is much going on inside my mind just not enough to share into a coherent thought or post.

So, let's see if through some random thoughts and observations, and if  I can turn this around into a blog post finally!

Random Thoughts of Sanity (or not you decide):

Vegan Food:  There seems to be a huge effort and market to make vegan food taste like their meat counterparts.  If to be vegan is to be healthier cause that is what your body needs, why does your body crave it to taste like meat?

Fireworks:  The best fireworks experience of my life was Provincetown with the ladies and my niece in the sand watching them go off and feeling joy and friendship all around.

Spontaneity:  May surprise the world, but I like spontaneous moments more than planned events.  As this weekends cook-off award ceremony may prove to those lucky enough to be there.

Equality:  If an artist speaks to be for marriage equality and understanding of gay rights, but puts out a video on love and all the couples are straight and quite generic does that show a lack of courage?

Palestinian Mothers:  Does any one really believe a Palestinian mother does not not love their children and want them to live? and be happy?  I think as long as both sides stand on the fact that the other is evil and totally wrong peace will be absent and conflict will continue.

Joan Rivers:  Can anyone generate more press, over so little, to keep her brand and entertainment in the news and in front of our eyes?

Family:  I have had the luxury over the last 30 days to spend time with my family.  Brother's family, cousins out of town, in town and I must say I feel quite lucky to have such diversity of thoughts and love.

Friends:  It is nice to have friends that are thoughtful, aware, caring and when they are enjoying life and I am part of that joy I feel magic.  It adds to the wonderment when that joy includes family as well.  If friends are the family we choose, then when our "family" is also our friends isn't that a very lucky moment.

Rain:  Why do I avoid walking in the rain?  Seems quite silly really... other than the phone in my pocket.  Why do humans seem to naturally run inside in the rain?

Stuffed Cabbage:  I think ground turkey maybe better than the ground meat version.  It tastes lighter especially this time of the year.

Kneading Dough:  I am enjoying making Pita bread from scratch.  It is is heartier than the store bought, not as pretty when I bake it, but the taste is unique and I enjoy the chemistry of watching the yeast and dough rise, and the kneading of the dough is therapeutic for me as well.

Diane Lane:  I watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" on Netflix and I really liked it.  The scenery is lovely, and Diane Lane can turn an otherwise bland story line into something you can't stop watching.

Meryl Streep:  She narrates a PBS documentary on Women's rights.  "Makers: Women Who Make America" and it is quite interesting.  I wonder with the attack on women's rights to reproductive freedom, healthcare overall, and pay inequality why the ERA Amendment is not re-energized.  Seems the women's movement is in need of a shock to restart the activism that propelled women's rights in the latter part of the previous century.  Also, seems like this is a critical moment for elections and impact on the Supreme Court.

Social Media and Technology:  I enjoy it, I like using it, but I wonder at some point does it act more like a cocoon to isolate ourselves from the world around.  Do we post pictures of our days and lives because we want to share or is it a virtual wall so you can see in but we don't have to open up to one another.

Heros, Edward Snowden:  Is it courageous to run off with secrets, break the law and hide out in Russia?  maybe.. where is the same courage of workers at Google, Facebook and LinkedIn and others where they collect data about us and we don't even know for what purpose.  At least the NSA did it under the guise of fighting terrorism and defense.

Careers at Fifty: I wonder what my career will look like at 50.  Just wondering out loud actually.  I feel more changes coming, and I am just not sure of the direction they will take.

Truth: Truth seems to be more about peoples perception of a moment, than the actual facts of an action or activity.  That is why people can all be at the same event and their recollection of events can be so different.  Sort of like changing lenses in a camera.  The photographers may all photograph the same sunset and the pictures come out differently.

Science:  What happens if we get to the end and we know everything about the universe, and still there are mysteries that appear to be unsolvable.

Seinfeld (for Glen):  Yes, I liked Seinfeld.  I don't reach back to find episodes to watch as I do other sitcoms including, but not limited to, Cheers, Mary Tyler Moore, Rhoda so.. it is not the monumental TV moment for me.

Beach:  I haven't been walking at the beach cause of rain.. but two miles away at home is sunny so been walking around my own neighborhood.  Not as photogenic or scenic as sunrises over the ocean but promise those pictures to return soon.

Organic:  One more, it is a pure luxury to decide that we should only eat food that is organic, no pesticides and naturally raised when there are millions of people starving in the world because they can't grow enough food and those technologies will feed them.  I try to cook healthy, and appreciate the abundance we have here but frankly people need to look at the global scene occasionally.

OK, I don't think these are too bad... and actually are entertaining to me.  Will wait to hear what others have to say.  I hope every one's summer is a pleasant one, and just cause I wondered above doesn't mean I am not enjoying pictures of all of your holidays and excursions through the summer months.  Enjoy... and Relax!


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