Why I don't think Gwinneth Paltro can solve Global Warming! (smiles)

Random Thoughts:

My lack of admiration for Gwinneth Paltro grows daily!  

Her belief that we all want to follow her sense of style.  That her life is so much more difficult than most women trying to raise her kids while on a movie set makes me think how out of touch can one person be?  She ranks up there with people I care about almost as much as the Kardashians.

These stars who complain about the paparazzi and their lack of privacy, but then create a web site of "their style" and use it to announce their relationship status need to realize we of the "average" lifestyle learn to care a little less every day.  At least I do, and frankly makes all her pretentious acting look less like real acting doesn't it? I think the her need for admiration and attention is actually a little sad. 

Honest, I am glad for their success and worry just about as much about them on a daily basis as the billionaire's who worry about their safety due to income equality.  Frankly, Gwinneth, I may worry slightly more about the billionaire's.

Global warming is at least partly about income inequality and global prosperity:

Yes the western economies though the industrial revolution, and the burning of fossil fuels for decades, created the issue of hastening global warming and the rising seas.  But, if we are going to slow down or eliminate the human element to an environment that has been warming since the ice age, then we need to address the challenge created by the emerging economies that are rapidly adding pollution and increasing the warming of the earth as well.  As the mature economies are trying to reduce global warming, and have been reducing gas emissions, without a concerted effort globally these reductions will be matched by the emerging economies even as our output is still too high.  But, if we as a global community are going to stop trying to turn my condo into beach front property there will need to be clear education globally around the impact of these gasses.  If you are an economy, such as China, finally emerging economically with a billion mouths to feed how do you prioritize clean air over food?  prosperity over rising tides?  Clean water over a slowly rising ocean? This is like other issues of the globe we need to educate everyone and realize that investing in these issues may cost money in the short run but in the long run we will all rise together if global warming is halted or slowed down from human influence. If you want to listen to wisdom, listen to Hillary Clinton's words at the closing of the Clinton Global Initiative.  She talks about this as a global community issue and I think quite she continues to show great wisdom.  We in this country, and the western economies, have comparative riches and prosperity.  To expect other emerging economies to sacrifice not achieving this kind of wealth for issues in the future is not going to work so there needs to be a balance in helping them achieve prosperity while at the same time creating real incentive for them to reduce their impact on global warming as well.  We need to step up and step into educating the world and helping invest in their prosperity as well.

Social causes, need mobile and social media to be effective:

I can be one of the least happy people on Facebook.  And at times, as above, the smart phones challenge my smart ass.  But, if you want to be a global cause for good in this world today, you can't be effective without at least a mobile site and supporting both global and local social media platforms.  In economies where mobile is the platform of access, and there aren't computers at home or in libraries, these communities will only find you through mobile and social media apps on these devices.  It isn't hard to do, maybe a little more work on local platforms, but if you aren't addressing social and mobile how can you possibly consider yourself a global cause because you have a website?

I want to clear out my Internet history and cookies from my browser.

So I might stop strange ads from popping up all over the place including:getting advertisements for:

  • Internet programming books (already have them now thanks).
  • Gay dating sites for mature men.
  • Russian Women dating sites.  (really!)
  • Medical Alert Systems
  • Funeral Insurance
  • Breast augmentation, I think we have an analytics problem here somewhere.

I turned on my Windows XP laptop: 

I needed to get some old files off, and it has been running for three days without a hiccup and they wonder why people are hesitant to get off of Windows XP?

Last IOS update hosed my car integration again.  

Think about it, you own your car longer than your smart phone or most people do, do you really want to tie your car purchase to your phone choice?  Look what happened to me when they diverge?  My car worked great with a 3GS, 4S, now I have an iPhone 5.  Ever since IOS7 has been out, and Apple talked about stepping up their efforts for car integration, my car has not worked well with my phone and its Microsoft developed software.  Now, with latest iOS update I get from apple that my car is unsupported when connected to the USB port so the phone isn't charging in the car.

I predicted way back, that Blackberry would re-emerge as a software company:  As they look to leverage their leadership in security and instant messaging  I am not surprised (smiles).  I would be surprised if they are not swallowed up by another tech titan sooner than later.   Would not be a bad play for Microsoft or CA even.

I saw the movie Blue Jasmine last night.  

Can anyone find a redeeming character in this movie other than the two kids?  Were we supposed to feel sorry for any of them?  and that apartment in SF is huge...  realistically, she ain't paying the rent bagging groceries I assure you.  I mean directed by Woody Allen and starring Alec Baldwin should I be surprised?

TV is a more creative medium for entertainment in the last 12 months as compared to movies.  

Movies are about volume and surprises, but TV is taking more time to develop stories and characters.

Does anyone really believe Netflix cares about net neutrality:

Their true the desire is not to pay for the bandwidth they consume regularly?  this is not about my choices this is about their costs, and as Comcast and others stack up around technology and content this contention will grow.  Google building out access in the marketplace sees pretty wise at the moment.

OK, well this may be the most random blog post of all time, and since it is Sunday my chores await me including the immense need to mop a floor that really doesn't want to be mopped so much.   Hope you all have a great week.


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