Snow birds.. fly home.. and happy spring.
I sit here on the verge of spring. My springs are not noted as many of yours by the change in weather as much as a change of people, although our springs and summers are generally wetter than falls and winters. It isn't noted by melting snow, green leaves showing up on branches or that pesky yellow flower that will rise above the chill in the air to remind everyone that mother nature is calling for the wakening of spring in the northern hemisphere.
No, my spring is first noted by a migration similar to that of birds. As the weather warms those birds start to migrate north. My birds are snowbirds. Some are only here sporadically through the winter. Some are here for the duration focused on their lives here away from their normal day to day habitat of work and life. I must confess as someone who once was a snowbird, I hope I didn't carry myself with the same illusion of superiority for having another home north of the Mason Dixon line. Yes, we know this is not your only home, and primarily you come down for holiday, and yes this may come as a surprise but we survive quite happily here when you leave.

I have reconnected with some friends of the past lately and that has been also a reminder of some of the sparks that ignited my ambition and career, but not sure what that spark is going to ignited this time. The challenge of late is I am content in my life, but on the verge of 50 I know any changes career wise time may be an issue.
The rain is going to stop soon, and then maybe an afternoon at the beach will help clear not only the sky but my mind as well.

I was hoping to write a blog of humor about snowbirds... (why do they think they know everything and we who live here are just passing time.) and that to will come soon I assure you. But for now, happy Spring to every one!