What Makes Me Happy.. for 2010

First of all... my last post had comments I think from people I may not know. Scary Ain't it!

I keep wondering... as I start this new year of 2010... what I have to be happy about. Not that I am not generally a happy person, but 2009 has had many changes and frankly many challenges. I assume these changes and their accompanied challenges will carry into 2010, but I always try to take inventory of where and how my life is going.

I was in a taxi yesterday afternoon, to go to a party at Kevin and Rich's for the new year. The driver asked what resolutions I had to make, and I said none. I promised not to make any last year and by gosh that seemed to work out quite well. That does not answer the question above, which is what do I have to be happy about as the new year starts.

So as a compliment to the list of what I know and don't at the end of the year here we go.

1) I am happy that what I have in front of me are choices in life. At a time, as we come out of this recession, where people hope for one opportunity I feel like I have many.

2) I am happy that I sold the house in New Jersey, which helps to make sure I don't feel a financial pressure to make the choices that are before me.

3) I am happy I live in two communities where being a gay male is not odd. Where I don't walk down the street and wonder if people are looking at me because I am different. I do hope, wink, there are people looking but for other reasons.

4) I am happy that I am a happy and healthy person. I can choose to approach each day with a smile on my face.

5) I am happy that I have a good family, healthy parents. Not just cause of today, but because they have always accepted me as I am and not just as they hoped I would be.

6) I am happy I have good friends. And one of them continues to be my ex, and now my best friend.

7) I am happy to have learned again in 2009 to not value things, as much as the people in my life.

8) I am happy that I enjoy the old English sitcoms on PBS.

9) I am happy that I enjoy my own company.

10) I am happy that I believe a tear and crying are healthy expressions and not a sign of weakness.

11) I am happy that simple movies can bring a tear to my eye.

12) I am happy that I like to walk.

13) I am happy that I have learned to accept my failings, and to sometimes laugh at myself when applicable.

14) I am happy I went out on New Years eve and ran into friends I knew, and enjoyed new ones.

15) I am happy to say, that I have run into this winter, some of the happiest people I know.

16) I am happy I don't allow others to decide for me if I am happy or not.

17) I am happy that I have no tattoos.

18) I am happy that I learned in 2009 to trust my instincts, my intellect, and frankly when things seemed to not be working to just believe that they would be fine.

19) I am happy, that I found an agency, a company, and a group of new friends to be my partner in this new journey I am on.

20) I am happy that I went to Austin for a holiday party, and happy they didn't see me try to two step.

21) I am happy before 2009 ended, I got to see what all of my bald head looked like.

22) I am happy in 2009 I got to know Debi my neighbor here...

23) I am happy in 2009 that my Volvo went to Vermont. I am also happy I was in Florida at the time.

24) I am happy that I have never had a Mohawk haircut and I can never have one.

25) I am happy that I make my own choices in my life. Does not mean I think I always make the right ones, but I am glad to say they are mine.

26) I am happy I ended 2009 as proud of my 24 years at IBM as I started the year.

27) I am happy I have a niece at UGA, who seems to enjoy my company... and frankly seems to get her uncle and Provincetown.

28) I am happy to have met new friend in Provincetown such as Stan, Bill, and to have gotten to know Van and Phil better.

29) I am Happy Facebook has reunited me with great friends from my past... such as Rhonda Perling and Glen Dynin. I am not sure I will be as happy on Facebook in 2010. (smiles)

30) I am happy I understand the value of listening. The value of seeing people in person. The value of keeping an open mind.

31) I am happy that I was not the pretty boy growing up, having to adjust to my looks as an older man. ( I am also happy I like the way I look better now.)


Anonymous said…
#19 and #20 are on my list too! Although I can't agree with #17 since I have two. All I know is that you helped make 2009 a great year and I am really looking forward to 2010!

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