What are they so worried about?

I am sure there are people wiser than me.

I certainly understand that people have religious objections to gay marriage. I don't agree, but I understand.

But, the general comment that there is something sacred or natural about heterosexuals getting married is frankly

What is sacred, is love. Love of friends, family, and when two people choose to live their lives together. That is sacred. The gender of those people is not.

We don't have to look too far in the news to see multiple instances of hetero marriages going bad.

We have Tiger Woods, who seemed to find sanctity of his marriage only in the public.

We have Charlie Sheen who seems to have gone from a nice guy on TV (ha) to physically assaulting his wife.

We have the Governor of South Carolina who was so concerned about his marriage he flew off to Brazil.

Then we have a gay guy, McGreevey in New Jersey, who tried to follow the sanctity of marriage idea. Remember? had a child, married twice, and in the end came out as gay after all.

None of these are examples of positive views on Heterosexual marriage. So what is the world so worried about if two people of the same gender were married cause they actually love each other?

Makes you wonder don't it? sure makes me wonder and frankly becoming a little mad about all of this.

These people who have started this conservative bent. Karl Rove.. second divorce. Newt Gingrich married 3 times.Rush Limbaugh three times. Maybe they are trying to win a contest.

I am not here suggesting that heterosexuals should not be free to marry, or to divorce as many times as they can. What I am here to say is that those that preach the sanctity of marriage, seem to me, to not understand what the word means.

Makes you wonder what they are so afraid of? Australia and the state of New Jersey said the public is not ready for gay people to marry.

Thankfully in this country for others this effort was lead by the courts. Can you imagine.. if we said a black man and white woman could not marry legally? or a Catholic could not marry a Jew? or.. the list goes on because some people in the public were not ready!!!!

This is not about sex. Although, I believe and have said so here many times, that is at the heart of these peoples views. Or the fear that gay people are so ifferent from them. Or is it a real fear that we are not so different after all.

This is about love. This is about when two people choose and have chosen to share their love, their lives, and their future.

And these people, who don't seem to understand a lifetime commitment are making decisions for me.


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