What should I write about my Dad, on Father's Day?
I am sitting here on a Sunday morning, June 19th, and it is Father’s Day. He is a great father, and we are all lucky to be getting ready to celebrate his 91st birthday, but I wanted to share my thoughts to celebrate my Dad on Father's Day. My first thoughts of my Dad are with his Dad, my Grandpa. I watched him for many years, from childhood to adulthood, treat his father with love and respect through sad times and happy times. Dad showed such respect and love for his father and showed us by example what was important. My Dad, in short, gave his children the greatest gift by showing us his life priorities that were quite different from many fathers I knew in my generation. While many parents around us were getting divorced, my father showed love and respect for my Mom. He is and was a great attorney. He would share his experiences, but as much as he has genuinely enjoyed practicing law, that is not the top memory I have o...