
What does it really mean to have the world connected?

I admire Mark Zuckerberg.  He is young, successful, and rich and has a vision for the value of a connected world. As part of that vision, he is building Facebook and its associated apps and platforms to support a world where everyone is connected, and everyone shares content about their lives and interests.  Is this desire to share our every thought, action and moment a native human trait?  Have we as humanity considered the effect this may have on our future? It could be a great idea.  We know the more we see, hear and talk to others that are different from ourselves that we lose our fear of them.  We learn about our differences, but realize in the end of the day that a mother and father love their children, that we all pursue happiness based on our unique culture, and hopefully all desire a peaceful planet.  We all focus on some of the same day to day priorities and so this sharing and online social world will help build a more tolerant world. ...

I am for Hillary Clinton for our next president of the United States.

I am not against Bernie Sanders, and I am grateful for some of the focus he has brought to the campaign. But, for the time we live in, I must agree with the New York Times that Hillary Clinton is by far the best candidate running for president and I am more than hopeful she will be our 45th president. Here are my top three reasons: Global Economy Destabilization by Lowering Oil Prices:  Yes we as a global community need to address the harms of global warming.  Yes, we need to reduce our dependencies on fossil fuels, but make no mistake this continuing to lower the cost and value of oil will destabilize the world especially the middle east.  Countries ranging from Russia, Venezuela and yes Iran are going to learn the impact of lower oil prices have on their economy. We need  a president who understands the global community, understands the proper role for the United States as the strongest nation militarily, economically and in leadership and will help pro...

What is 55 inches, envy of many, and challenge of one!

Fortresses are nice at times, but home truly is where the heart is. . My world operates on a different plane sometimes.. Here I sit in a home that I once built as my fortress.  Close the door and all was in my control and everything I saw was me.  I had the condo remodeled.  This is my kitchen.  I do appreciate the appliances.  I remember the choices, my concessions, and the delight as the remodeling was complete and this became my home and fortress. I even know why some things don't look perfect.... I shared a story with Harry this week I have not shared with many.  I knew the gentleman who lived here before me.  He was a nice guy, and a good condo board member.  He worked with the sheriffs department, but also as many gay men, lived an estranged life from his family.  He died and the passing was one that everyone in this building took hard.  When I remodeled the condo I wanted it to be visibly not his place any more, but I...
I am past the half way point in life... give or take a few years.   (My birthday snuck past Facebook which I am truly happy about!) Some I want to give and some I want to take!  I have been living in top ten's in my head so here goes the top ten things I know from the last year(s). 1) Make sure you are pursuing your dream and not someone else's.  Define your success by your happiness not someone elses desires for you or how the world wants you to be.   Pursuing your life based on others desires for you causes you to behave and do things that are not natural for you, doesn't make you happy, and in the end doesn't allow you to live up to your potential. 2) You must first identify the challenges of prejudice to combat and discard them from your life. We all want to be color blind, believe we are innocent of prejudice and treat everyone the same. But, reality is that you have to identify your inner prejudices to actually overcome them.  People wh...

What is the value of a human life?

What is the value of a human life? I sit here in fear this morning.  At moments such as the killings in Paris, I feel like I have something to say and yet I sit in fear this morning of sharing my feelings and opinions.  Why?  Because there is so much being said about this tragedy and the death of the terrorists that carried this out by people close to me, by others on the Internet, and across the news channels that I wonder what can I add to the discussion. But, there was a post on Facebook from a Rabbi who said the world would have been better off if this man who carried out this evil attack had never been born.  Then I decided I couldn’t stay silent any more. It racked my brain to think what if these men had never been born?  What is the value of a human life and who makes that decision as to how we as humans evaluate the value of each other.  Make no mistake if this man had not been born, we would not be sitting here today discussing his death...

Brian's Arbitrary top Ten List

Brian Silverman's Top Ten List 1) Ohio not passing monopolized Marijuana is interesting in that people seemed more concerned about the business aspects than the actual legalization of marijuana. 2) Kentucky elects a more conservative governor after putting democrats in office for a long time.  With the issue of Kim Davis, gay marriage challenges and more this would have seemed to me a bigger deal than the legalization of marijuana in Ohio. 3) Houston can elect and reelect an out lesbian mayor but can't agree to protect her rights against discrimination.  Not sure I am surprised but certainly disappointed but more so because the rhetoric that caused defeat was about men freely being able to go into women's bathrooms.  4) I want to see the Peanuts Movie. (Yes this can't all be too serious for a Wednesday).  Not sure why it appeals to me so much as an adult but they have done a great job promoting it to adults as well as children. 5) Orpha...

How do you write about your Muse?

How do you write about your Muse? I believe, except for Rhonda Perling, and outside of family I have known Glen longer than anyone.  Not just an acquaintance but we were friends since I was in second grade.  He came to Savannah from Cleveland, and I always felt like an outsider at Savannah Hebrew Day School and having a new friendly face in the class room helped.  Glen and I became friends and spent many a day or evening at his house with him his family and their dog Lassie I believe. One memory from those years, was his fmaily had gotten a swimming pool and I think Glen had Bennie Elkins, and myself over to go swimming.  We enjoyed the pool, but he also had gotten a box set of Carpenter Music (wonder if it was a first "box sext").   He and I in particular enjoyed splitting the music and the pool time and was quite fun. After Day School, we would run into each other at the JEA and always had friendly times together but we didn't hang out as much till he we...