I am for Hillary Clinton for our next president of the United States.

I am not against Bernie Sanders, and I am grateful for some of the focus he has brought to the campaign.

But, for the time we live in, I must agree with the New York Times that Hillary Clinton is by far the best candidate running for president and I am more than hopeful she will be our 45th president.

Here are my top three reasons:

Global Economy Destabilization by Lowering Oil Prices:  Yes we as a global community need to address the harms of global warming.  Yes, we need to reduce our dependencies on fossil fuels, but make no mistake this continuing to lower the cost and value of oil will destabilize the world especially the middle east.  Countries ranging from Russia, Venezuela and yes Iran are going to learn the impact of lower oil prices have on their economy.

We need  a president who understands the global community, understands the proper role for the United States as the strongest nation militarily, economically and in leadership and will help protect us while also helping to stabilize the world.  No other candidate running has her experience as Secretary of State, as Senator, first lady and has been a global champion of human rights as Hillary Clinton.

As Bernie Sanders said in the debate, the president's first job is to keep us safe in the world and no other candidate has the global respect and capabilities that Hillary Clinton has.

She is a woman and, yes it matters! especially when focused on the Supreme Court.  Yes, woman's rights are under assault.  It may be thinly veiled around pro-life, or attacks on planned parenthood, but yes Woman's rights are under attack.  In addition, the protection of other minorities including the LGBT community are under attack and the Supreme Court has been a leader in establishing the constitutional rights and protection.  The next president will appoint a number of justices and this is at a critical point for these rights.

Hillary is not only qualified and stated clearly her goal to protect these rights and improve women's rights for equal pay, family leave and continued protection of LGBT rights which are important to me and others.  She is also a well educated and respected attorney which once again will aid in her ability to nominated solid justices that will most likely be on the court quite a while.

Finally, I am a capitalist and not in favor of a socialist economy.  Socialism in some fashion has been tried and delivered across the globe, and with its noble goal of protecting the masses would seem ideal.  But, without the human need for reward for one's labors, socialist economies do not stimulate the innovation and creative energy and as Gloria Steinem says the unique "optimism" of the American people.  This country still leads the world in patents, new companies, and innovation and we can clearly see with shakiness in China and dare I say number the issues articulated above this country needs to continue its economic leadership not just for our needs but for global stability as well.

We can not just expect to spend our way to prosperity without any discipline.  As Obama has shown while improving the economy and lowering the deficit.

Hillary has clearly articulated her priorities, recommendations, and how these programs would be funded.  She has also stated her commitment to continue to be a capitalist country with a desire to support the American dream of prosperity.

As much as I appreciate Bernie Sander's noble desires for society, being pragmatic in a divided political climate is the reality. Hillary, has proven as senator, that she can reach across the aisle and get work done.   She also understand progress comes in steps and not in a "political revolution" and so expanding and improving Obamacare instead of replacing with a single payer system is the most pragmatic.

So, yes, I believe strongly Hillary Clinton is the right candidate.  I also can not understand all the vitriol against her, even if you are for another candidate, for her having the ambition and drive to want to be president.

I would suggest, if you want to learn more about her, do what Bernie Sanders did and read her books and I think you will also join me in supporting her for president.


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