The lessons to learn in Charleston go beyond just removing the Confederate Flag from the Capital!

Is it important that South Carolina take down the Confederate Flag from their capital? Yes, of course it is! Even more so in the aftermath of such a hateful and disastrous killing at the Church of Emanuel this symbol of the past, of slavery, of segregation and hate must come down. At the same time, we should not let this be how we manifest a healing from this incident I am sorry to say. We first must recognize that this was a crime of hate, of bias, of racism, from a young man that was taught or learned to believe on his own that he was superior to others. Not because of the deeds he did to help others. Not because he was bright and graduated to become a researcher. Not because he went to that church to learn from others and experience a worshiping congregation that is warm and loving. No, it is because the color of his skin is white. On top of that, he was taught to believe other colors of skin, most notably black, are inferior to his...