Things I Know and Don't Know for 2010
Things I know for 2010 * Surprisingly after a year of great change, I am happier than I was a year ago. * I need change for work to be interesting, fun and not boring. * That with all the technology, Internet, and "social networking" nothing beats meeting someone or people in person. * You can't really know someone without meeting them. * I am not sure where I will be living in a year. * True friends know when to hold their cards, and when to play them. Cards range from criticism, compliments, jokes, and kindness. * Sorry, but I do like dogs better than cats and not just cause cats make me sneeze. * My hypothesis, is it is not cats but cat litter. Not that matters for the above comment. * That 1 degree of temperature means more in the cold north, than it does in south Florida. (1 vs. 0 is much more interesting than 77 to 76.) * That people need to admit to their own racism to conquer it. * Flying in this economy has gotten easier. And the newer planes are smoother than th...