Things I Know and Don't Know for 2010

Things I know for 2010

* Surprisingly after a year of great change, I am happier than I was a year ago.

* I need change for work to be interesting, fun and not boring.

* That with all the technology, Internet, and "social networking" nothing beats meeting someone or people in person.

* You can't really know someone without meeting them.

* I am not sure where I will be living in a year.

* True friends know when to hold their cards, and when to play them. Cards range from criticism, compliments, jokes, and kindness.

* Sorry, but I do like dogs better than cats and not just cause cats make me sneeze.

* My hypothesis, is it is not cats but cat litter. Not that matters for the above comment.

* That 1 degree of temperature means more in the cold north, than it does in south Florida. (1 vs. 0 is much more interesting than 77 to 76.)

* That people need to admit to their own racism to conquer it.

* Flying in this economy has gotten easier. And the newer planes are smoother than the old.. although I still love the 757s. I wonder if it is software as much as updated physical structure.

* Conservative or liberal, the networks are about money and entertainment or how did Wanda Sykes wind up on Fox.

* If you watch the interview of Rush Limbaugh by William Shatner you get a feeling he is a liberal in wolf's clothing leading me back to the previous comment.

* I like Christmas Carols.

* I like Tyler Perry movies... you know there will be a happy ending and some thoughtfulness. I also wonder if he does in the Movies what Cosby did for TV image of black Americans.

* There is absolutely no other city like New York for X-mas at least in the US. I didn't miss New York and New Jersey till this time of the year.

* Love will try and find you if you aren't looking for it. But, I think if that is your pursuit you won't find it unless you are my ex Harry.

* People who are against gay marriage are focusing on the sex and not the love. I also believe those against it, do not know any happy gay couples. The longest relationship outside of my parents I am close to is two men who have been together over 30 years and legally married for 5.

* To that matter, certainly the latest scandals in South Carolina, David Letterman and Tiger Woods certainly put an evil sword in the argument of the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.

* Woman at their core are stronger than men, and that men are more compassionate and sensitive than society recognizes.

* Tiger Woods makes Serena Williams outburst at the US Open appear to be quite tame, and just a moment of anxiety doesn't it?

* People who don't understand the need for national health care already have health care!

* If you have seen one you have not seen them all. (I am not talking about anything in particular.)

* I think every straight female needs a good gay male friend, and every gay male friend needs a trusted lesbian confident. I don't know if the reverse is true...

* I would rather live in a cold climate, than live in one where the heat and humidity in summer is brutal.

* There is no greater feeling, than to sit somewhere alone and be happy in the moment and with yourself.

* Susan Boyle reassures me in the confidence in the human spirit, and that mainstream media can not hold down real talent.

* I think Tiger Woods' wife ought to call the first lady of South Carolina and share and understand how she decided to leave him. Would speed this up... and if Tiger wants peace and wants to repair his image he must be on the golf course.

* I will never understand the popularity of reality and especially the John and Kate thing.

* The way to stay young is to keep busy and keep working.

* The weather channel can never predict the weather in Fort Lauderdale or Provincetown. (makes you wonder about me doesn't it)

* Because of my iPhone I am beginning to count time by number of songs... :)

What I don't know:

* Is monogamy for men, so natural? Is it that these men above didn't love their wives or were presented with a moment and followed their instincts? Frightful but one must wonder. Not sure if this should be pondered for women as well.

* Where I will be living next year... not that I am not happy with current choices.. but I have a gut feeling the changes are not over.

* Has there every been a hair piece, transplant, or cure for baldness that looks better than the baldness itself?

* Why is Starbucks in the instant coffee business? (I hear it is really good.. just wonder out loud here.)

* Why in airport concourses while everyone is racing to their next flight, people will just stand in the middle?

* Why people bring carry on luggage that they can not carry or lift?

* How we sold computers without having one? carrying one? or cell phone?

* Was life less stressful when we assumed everyone was ok cause we could not reach them every minute?

* Will Facebook popularity fade.. quicker than Myspace.

* Would I be happier with the new Droid phone and a Sony MP3 as compared to my iPhone?

* Who will be the first telecommunication company to figure out the number of people who are snowbirds and make their service almost plug and play from home to home. Or does it matter snowbird or not. Imagine, you had cable, cell and Internet and said next week I am moving and what do I need to do to change and they said nothing.. take the equipment with you and plug in and it will be working. Or you don't need any equipment... :)

* Why anyone is in favor of Cell service on flights? Can you imagine the flights into New York!!!

Are there any more unique people than those that were born and live on Cape Cod?

* Why have I stopped watching Food TV? and aren't Creative programming on PBS cooking shows better?

* Does anyone really think Sara Palin should be president other than Sara? and have we not already had a sort of shall we say vacant president already in this generation?

* How many actors from OZ on HBO made it into mainstream network programming? same for the Sopranos.. but not the same previous "exposure".

* Why is that the same publications who criticized the lack of savings in the US, now criticize consumers for not spending more?

* Why do people believe all of Florida is the same but accept differences in other states such as California, Texas and New York.

* Why people ask questions if they don't have the patience to listen to the answer.

* Question on one on either ZDNet or one of those sites.. the divergence of consumer computing offerings vs. business. If business was not delivering products and services, beyond networking what would consumers gain from computing.

* How did we stay reasonably entertained, as kids, in the summer without any sport practices, or other scheduled activities.

* Is there any public figure as mysterious and beloved as Liz Taylor?

* Why can two women dance together in a straight bar and no one blinks, but I assure you if two men danced together....

* Can you really be too rich? I actually think so. But, I think it is not defined by a number if that makes sense.

* What if humans really are not the smartest animals on our planet?

* Why in bad weather people get mad if the airline delays flights?

* If there is a god does he or she smile?

* Is Norman Mahler right, and do dogs really have souls?

* If being gay is a choice, then as Wanda Sykes says.. then being straight is. Makes you wonder don't it?

* Does Oprah know that her model of talk show is passe and will ebb and is moving on for that reason as much as the public explanations. And, will she get the first Tiger interview before she retires?

* Why do I love the trackpoint and can't get used to the pad thing on my Thinkpad but have no trouble browsing with my iPhone.

* Why , even though I have spend more money with Apple over the last two years, can I not get the idea that there is something odd about that and with them. I hope it is not too much IBM blue still in my blood?

* Why are people so surprised that Barry Manillow came out with a x-mas album? I Wonder if there are more Jewish singers with X-mas albums than any other religion? :)


Giaco Furino said…
Susan is such a star! It’s no wonder she’s such a success. have you all heard about how tv guide network is going to air her story exclusively? I just read about it here:
Unknown said…
I did not know this...but now I know "True friends know when to hold their cards, and when to play them. Cards range from criticism, compliments, jokes, and kindness."

Wise man you are

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