As I hold my breath, on Election Day 2024

So, I am breathless.  This election comes down to one day when many Americans eagerly vote.  I cast my vote last Friday.

This morning is a rainy day in Longview, TX.  There are a number of Trump signs along my street, as expected.  There are also more than a few Harris Walz signs on the street and in the neighborhood.

I try to convince myself that there are fewer Trump signs and maybe East Texas will surprise me.  

Do my neighbors understand that, as nice as they are waving hello while I walk DaisyBelle, as they stop to discuss the weather, or wave as they go by in their car, that being pro-Trump makes me wonder?  

When Frank helped organize a day to clean up near the creek, many of our neighbors showed up to help.  Yet, they put up Trump signs, and it makes me wonder how they really feel about the gay family down the block, with a sweet dog and pretty cat.

When I was a kid, out and about, people were cordial and kind to one another, as in most southern towns. But, listen closer to community gatherings, and you would hear comments such as I can't be racist; some of my best friends are black. Or, I can't be antisemitic; my best friend or doctor is Jewish, as they make Jewish jokes or make comments at church or other places.  Or, I don't have anything against gay people, but if one of my children is gay...  

I know these comments, feelings, and opinions don't disappear in a generation.

I must confess that I don't believe most people in our neighborhood wish us harm.  Frank has planted blue-bonnet seeds in a median as you drive into our neighborhood right in front of a house with more Trump banners and flags than anywhere around.

But do they understand that a vote for Trump makes me believe they don't really care about people like me?

Trump and those supporting his campaign are increasing hate and violence against people like me. You see, they are for policies against gay marriage, trans rights, most civil rights, for promoting one religion over another, and against anyone who does not look, worship, and act like them.  

Yes, their rhetoric and statements make it more popular for those who are racist, antisemitic, and misogynist to be vocal and even violent.  Trump's comments that Jews will be to blame if he loses the election, along with Nazi-like comments from him and his cronies, should make us all take note.

My sister, who is much kinder and easier going than I am, has shared she doesn't want to lose any friendships over this election.  I realize that I have already lost some relationships that are very close to me.

As a Gay Jewish American in a Red State, my protections generally come from the federal government, not the state.  This is more true when I consider the women in my life.  This federal election is very important to support their rights and freedom. 

I hesitate to publish this last-minute blog. Will it matter? I feel compelled to share these feelings on a rainy election day in Longview, Texas.

So, I am breathless this morning but a bit hopeful as well.


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