OK.. already. Yes, I know I need to write something.
OK.. already. Yes, I
know I need to write something in my blog.
I am up to $4.66 in ad revenue and if I think about this too much I will
realize I am way behind on even making minimum wage writing this blog. Not that I do it for the money, and I am
trying oh so hard not to change what I write based on money. But, gee look at all the media tycoons and
wonder if they started this way.
Speaking of tycoons, and to prove I do have a capitalistic
notion, I was thinking about Oprah Winfrey.
I remember that she did a few of her favorite thing shows and man I
wondered if I did the same could I get a few more hits that way. I mean she can buy a lot more stuff than me,
and frankly she doesn't pay for it. In
my case, I did and I like them and I won’t promote something that I didn't
like. Like the automated soap dispenser
from Bed Bath and Beyond or that funky gadget that tipped of the side of my
So.. here it goes.. here are a few of my favorite things as
of late and if I can keep the mentality up I might actually tell you some more
of the things I dislike.

iE2 Headphones: This is simply the
best set of headphones I have owned. If
you have those that cover your ears and head.. your ears get sweaty. (mine do anyway) If you have those that are just ear buds stuck
in your ears they either don’t really fit correctly or they start to bother my
ear. Bose has the best compromise. These sit in your earlobe and not in your
eardrum. They have attachments that are
different sized to fit your ears. They
stay comfortable and sound great on long flights, and even my morning
walks. To top it off, they aren't the most
expensive and they come with a nice leather case that is actually the right
size for my iPhone. So, yes I like them,
and even have two pair and have given one as a gift.

Twist Thinkpad: OK, this is what I
am typing on. I like to love it a great
deal. It has a touch screen, the screen
can lay flat on top of the keyboard (e.g. twist) and turns the laptop basically
into a Windows 8 Tablet. I like it and
was a great advantage at a business meeting to have the presentation running
flat on the table so the laptop is not distracting the customer. I can’t wait for Windows 8.1 to come out in
final form. I get frustrated that so
little of even MicroSoft’s apps are Metro ready so they seem to all jump back
to the old start screen for Windows.
Parmalat Milk: Yes, this may not fit in but this is one of my
favorite things so here we go. I started
keeping a carton of this milk in my fridge.
Then when I wake up in the morning, or am getting back late from a business
trip I know I have milk.
Laserjet P1102W Printer: I have to
say this maybe the best printer I owned since my first proprinter from IBM
decades ago. It is laser, fast, and
quiet. Works extremely well with WIFI,
and setup was easy. Connect to laptop
and run some software and almost as easy as that it was printing. I printed 44 luau invites in just
minutes. It also stays asleep but wakes
up quickly for printing. I can also print easily from my iphone or tablets.
Dawn Dish
Detergent: OK, I was sitting at a bar one night. No, this is not a joke or a set up for one
but is true. This guy was talking to me,
and mentioned that when P&G invented Dawn it was a true breakthrough in
dish detergent. Must be true, it cleans
dishes and if you dilute it will clean most anything gently including my stove
top and counters. If you soak a pot or
anything over night usually it just cleans magically easy the next day.
OK.. as promised a few things I don’t like:
Best Buy: The idea
without paying attention you are applying for a credit card if you don’t say no
art checkout. They don’t ever ask if I
need help and find it is getting more disorganized with the store in a store
concept. I have spent money there over the years, but
really! Also, I hate the winding lane to
get to the registers to try and spark impulse buys. I know many stores do it
know but still not my favorite thing. They
make me want to buy from Amazon.
iPhone 5: Honestly,
this is my third iphone and I have to say that it is not made as well as the
iPhone4 I had. This machine will reboot itself
about every other day. I think it is because
it is overloaded. I also figured out
this cloud business makes it almost unlimited the amount of content I can buy
for the phone cause it isn’t all stored there.
I think the camera maybe is the highlight here, but because of the cloud
business it doesn’t’ play nicely with my car either not near as nice as the
iPhone4 I had. I believe I use the
phone more than most around apps, pictures, music and the like and I have grown
dependent on it. But, I can’t imagine
the Apple Store believing me about the reboots because I can’t make it happen
then I can’t prove it either. I hope
this is not the Apple of the future, and what comes out next is better