Can you go home again?

I have
moved past needing to have the finest car, designer jeans, or any of the
trappings of the life and times we are in.
Frankly, these things never made it in my life as a priority any
way. I am probably more of a geek
technically, and since I sit here with an iPhone, iPad Mini, and Thinkpad I can't
very well say that I have escaped all of the trappings of life but seriously I
don't sit here thinking of what the next thing I want other than to frankly be
able to travel fairly freely. I don't
travel luxuriously but when the desire for a NYC bagel hits it is nice to be
able to go.
challenge is that ambition is a hard thing to tap and keep under control. Sort of like trying to tap off the leak of a
well that wants to gush oil or water. It
traps you in the sense that there is a high, and in any addiction it wants to
be fed. Mr. Silverman what do you do for
a living? Well I spend some time working
with some customers in the Carolinas around integration technology. Working on some marketing workshops. But, Mr. Silverman what do you do every day?
I try to walk on the beach every morning.
I type it and like it, but I also cringe thinking what others will
perceive this life. Is he lazy? hardly!
Is he intellectually bored? not at the moment! Does he want to just do this the rest of his
life? Don't think so. I miss the hit, the mental energy on all
cylinders, but I confess to feeling lately that I am filling that void trying
to see what could be next. Shaking the
past in a way to see what the second half of my life can be.

We are pretty structured as a society for our youth. I don't think as much as some cultures, but
we know a few things are given. The
first 18 years of life we are raised by parents. We are not only expected but up to a certain
age we must go to school, and if we carry that forward to an ideal, we go to
college and then we start a career of some kind. I am grateful for this path and my upbringing
but I wish I had more freedom earlier. Tour
Europe or do something out of the ordinary before I knew what my ordinary
was. (btw The Nora Jones station on
Pandora is tops!)
So, the
second half really is not planned. If
you have children, I assume they are grown.
My brother is now a grandfather so looking at this stage of life the
future is a little less planned or certain.
For me, there currently is not a plan other than a clear desire to be
happy. So, is mid-life not a crisis but
an opportunity? Is it trying to realize
at this stage of our lives that we can re-focus on happiness? Also refocus back on our beginning, home and
how we focus on our parents to assure they have what they need for their health
and happiness.
What I
believe, is that I am grateful to try and not be rushing to any answers. I have driven some friends a little nuts as I
look at choices in my life. I don't wake
up often without a new choice in my head.
I see many of them, not a tour of Europe, but hope the next phase of my
life is unpredictable and frankly continues to make me happy and content.