To be or not to seder I be.

I don't know... help requested.

I sit here.  The night of the first Seder, no plans.

I just don't really know what I believe.

Do I believe I should eat Matzo 8 days?

Do I drink 4 glasses of wine Monday cause it is Pesach?

I have hosted some great Seders, hagadahs and all.

I have been to some great Seders at home, Granny and Grandpas,  and in New York City.

I have hosted and been where the love and friendship you could imagine could last the 40 years in a dessert.

I have been to one in college days where bitter herbs were not the kind you dipped.

But what do I believe?

The Days School said keep kosher for Pesach was the key to getting into heaven!

The Orthodox Rabbis say loving another man could send me to hell, or at least have me stoned to death in a religious court.

How do I believe I should only eat matzo, and do as I am told for 8 days?

When, I won't stop loving who I was born to love? I tried to deny that for 29 years and wasn't good for me or people around me.

so, I sit here.

Why is this night going to be different from any other night?  this year I will have wine, roast a chicken,  and probably no Seder.


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