The business of what do I write about?

You get in the business of what do I write about.  There are mornings where I know what is in my head, but frankly they feel too personal.  Or, I just don't feel like the feelings and thoughts are not ready for the world to see.  Sometimes, they haunt me around stupid things that I just don't want to admit are even in my mind or worse have to read after I type them.

This is one of those days, but I haven't written in a while and I thought why not take a chance.  Let's see if these feelings and thoughts deserve to make it into the ether of my blog.

Every year, an amazing thing happens to or for me.   Frankly, it may seem to most an unusual occurrence   Something, akin to a community looking forward to a hurricane cause they have a drought.

Some years it occurs around Thanksgiving.  This years was a little later.  Some years it happens till spring this year a little sooner.

The symptoms for those of us who live in South Florida are clear.  There is this influx of people.  Some come for a week, a weekend, or for the season.   They may come for the warmth.  They may come for the feelings of sand between their toes.  In my world, they may come for the warmth not just of the weather but of the welcoming of the soul.  Where being who and what we want to be is accepted.

I went out with a very nice fellow from Buffalo, on Saturday.  And there we are standing at the bar waiting for a table, and enjoying each others company.  Oblivious to if anyone was paying attention to two gay men enjoying a lovely evening together.  Ended up being a nice female couple standing next to us, and some discussion but what I was struck with was how I didn't or they didn't seem to worry about what the other people (you know who you are!  Straight!) would think.  Other than one reaction, later over dinner, I don't remember anything akin to shock or even frankly anyone paying attention to two middle-aged men out on a date and I must say it was quite obvious we were on a date.   (smiles)

That said.. in my world.  The season starts in a slightly different fashion than most.  In comes, Luci, Harry, and Dale for another winter.  This may not be that entertaining to most, but for me it reminds me how lucky I am and have been.  Harry being my ex, and he insists we have been apart for 7 years, his partner Dale of 4 years, and then there is Luci.  I can't help but wonder how this might amuse the world.  That for 3 or 4 months a year we live in harmony down the hall from one another.  Reminds me of the good times with Harry, but also the luck or destiny of our friendship and feelings that lasted through a breakup.  I also am appreciative that I have Dale in my life, who brings a joyful attitude and has become a good friend as well.  I am not sure this is a gay thing.  I have many straight friends who don't understand how we stay close but not in a relationship.  As a good friend said, when it is over it is over.  For me, and I have written before, we seemed to have found the good things about our relationship and focus on that, and he has Dale and his love as well all year long.

I bring this up, cause they head north on Wednesday.  A week ahead of Spring this year, but nonetheless they head north.  I will miss them.  There is a comfort to know they are down the hall.  More than a comfort that they know me, warts and all, and still let me in the door to play with Luci.

Yes, will miss Luci as well.   I just hope their year at Bluumes is a successful one and they have a joyous rest of the year.   I will keep an eye on their home, and a tear or two waiting for their return.  Time for Daffodils and Tulips up north I imagine.

(This is Luci, just in case your were wondering!)


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