New Blog Post Take 2 (Glen)

What do I do?  Glen says the last blog was written before... nothing new.

Is it that my life has changed? or is it that for the first time in a while my life feels right.   I have to confess to loving my home in Fort Lauderdale.  Loving my friends in Fort Lauderdale.  Loving my work life, except for one small detail, it keeps me from Fort Lauderdale more than I want.  Now, I have to suffer (smiles) in Petaluma, CA and San Francisco most of the time.  But, still this is home and the more time I am here the more I realize it.  It is quite amazing that more than 14 years ago I moved into this building, and now I am here still.  Not in the same unit, but the same floor, and enjoying the potential and my life moving forward.

So, I thought what might keep Glen Dyning reading my blog?

How about things that frustrate me lately?

1) People who share their observations as facts.

2) Why I can't snap my fingers and swap between Provincetown and Fort Lauderdale at will.

3) Why can't there be a really good bagel in Fort Lauderdale?  I think I know, but still it is my favorite comfort food.

4) I love when the business press quotes an investment counselor in Australia managing $50 million dollars in assets about a company here, or debt in Spain.

5) Does anyone really think Greece is better off with the Euro?  than to just go ahead an print its own money and let the currency take care of their financial imbalance and competitiveness.

Things that make me go mmmm

1) How good is Sally Field in Brothers and Sisters.

2) Why is it all of a sudden cheaper on Orbitz to book each leg of a flight separately?

3) Why when I book them separately can I not remember how far that means I will have to walk to my car on my return?  from a red eye no less!

4) I love my car, but I have an itch for a new one.  For people who know how little I drove in New Jersey this maybe as surprising to them as to me.

5) Barbra Streisand sold out the pre-sale for her Brooklyn Concert in under 90 minutes.  Does this mean the demand is that high, or there were that few tickets?   would going to see her a third time really make a difference to me?

6) I thought of my bucket list to see singers live:  Pat Benatar, Donna Summers,  and Elton John for now.

7) I went looking for luggage... and surprised myself that Dillards had exactly what I wanted.  Last time I went to look it was a disaster.

8) I wonder if the Galleria Mall in Lauderdale lost Macy's as an anchor what would happen to the mall.

9) How quickly gay marriage has become almost accepted, even while it is voted down in so many states.  It doesn't appear to be an issue in the presidential election, but it sure was 8 years ago.

10) I wonder how many analyst / pundits / anchors on Fox News pull a democratic lever behind the curtain when they vote.

11) Why every straight man I know is not uncomfortable with gay men.  Just saying...

12) I cancelled cable TV.  Kept Comcast Internet.  Was going to keep Comcast phone until they effective made it cost $70 a month.  Now I watch Netflix for entertainment.

13) Can my iPhone 4, that was dumped in some water ( hint hint), last until the iPhone 5 comes out?  and if not ... I won't be happy.

14) If the rumors of apple changing the connector for charging is going to make my investment in cables look silly.


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