Life Adventures.. and Observations

Life is an adventure.. and our choices as to handle that adventure that defines us.

People who live, work, love and die in the same city...

People who wonder around in a mobile home, or a houseboat...

People who plant their feet like a tree with shallow roots... ready to hop on the next wind that will pick them up an take them to the next place.

And... some like myself, look like the latter but are still looking for that place to plant deep roots. Where neither wind, rain, work, nor life changes could make me want to move my home. I am lucky to have lived as an adult in many different cities. But, I wonder if I will ever find a place that I say this is a home. Where when my end on this earth comes that is where it will happen?

Each place I have lived has touched me differently. Partly, because of the stage of my life, but also because of their uniqueness.

I sit here on a journey back to New Jersey.. first a Ferry from Provincetown.. night in Cambridge and the back home to Jersey tomorrow. I sit here wondering if I sat here one more week would the magic of it all happen? Would I say this is that place.. home. Where I like the people, the environment, and feel a certain amount of peace.

The truth is.. once I am settled back in Highland Park a different kind of feeling comes over. It is of a home that is classy, that can be a warm hospitable place.. and a fortress to protect my soul. You just don't know which. I like the serenity.. the peace of the house and the warmth I have created. I wonder if I took those qualities and looked for them (house wise) on Provincetown would I finally find that place to send my roots down to the cour of my soul?

Don't know... Love it here except for the cold of January and February.. :(

Tick Tock.. time to hop to the dock.


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