My Voice in a Divided World: 17 Years of Blogging!

I have had this blog for almost 17 years. I went back and read one of my first posts . It still rings true to who I am. Some years, I may have shared more than I should, and some years, the posts have been sparse. Sometimes, life gets very busy: work, travel, and even some fun. However, there have also been moments when I didn’t think what I had to say was right, and the importance of my words was not more important than peace in my world and family. On this morning of the inauguration and the cease-fire in Israel, I feel the need to say something. I have opinions about the war in Gaza, Netanyahu, and Israel, but I have family over there who live this day to day. I have the luxury of sitting in East Texas not worried about an air raid siren and where is the nearest shelter. With a nephew in the Israeli army, the last thing I would want to do is to upset my family, especially my brother, whose opinions are different from my own. Here I sit on the verge of another four years o...