
We all can learn from DaisyBelle, about bias and tolerance.

We all can learn from DaisyBelle, about bias and tolerance. For many people, across the street or walking the trail, she is a mix of American Bulldog and Pit Bull.  There are words often repeated, about these dogs being violent and biting people and getting into tussles with other dogs.  Let’s be clear, she is a strong dog and we know it.  All dogs can be trained to bite and be aggressive from the chihuahua to the largest German Shepherd but these dogs of late are judged as rottweilers were in my youth.  But, there is another side of her.  Her breed was bred to be nannies and caregivers.  If you paid attention walking her you would notice how her ears perk up when she hears children.  You would see her gentleness and her joy in being pet by children or getting a chance to kiss them as we walk down the trail.  You would see her kindness with Lucky, our cat that she helped find, and how she runs into the yard to protect her if she thinks there is a...

Good Morning, form fall in East Texas (Longview)

I sit here on a Saturday morning, in Longview, TX where there is a chill in the air, 47 degrees.  I realize for the first time in many years we are experiencing fall.  We lived in South Florida where the sign of fall is the beginning of early snowbird migrants for the winter.  In Austin, a bit south of, I don't remember the fall weather as sharp and crisp as it is here in Longview.  Daisybelle chose a shorter walk this morning in the chill, and we are all enjoying the change of temps as the leaves on the trees are beginning to show it is time to prepare for winter. It was around this time last year we decided to make a move.  We enjoyed Austin.  Work had been productive and our home and neighborhood were quite special, but Austin was changing quickly.  I felt the energy was more akin to San Francisco and that caffeine driven energy that I had experienced over the years.  I appreciate the energy it drives, the innovation, and creativity but honest...

A few comments on a challenging Wednesday morning!

  A few political comments for a Wednesday. 1) After the debate, and before, there has never been a time in my life where voting is more important and that vote should be for Biden and Democratic candidates especially for the senate. We can prove that the American dream and constitution are stronger than a corrupt president and a republican party that is willing to do follow him for their gain.   We survived Nixon, Vietnam, and other crises in my lifetime.  Hopefully, come November 3rd we will be on our way to healing from these divisive times. 2) I am not pro-choice or pro-life, women should decide what is right for their body and neither I nor any government has any right to impose on their choices.   3) Democrats need to wake up, the federal courts are the third branch of government in this country and meant to be part of the original checks and balances in our constitution.  Who is nominated and approved at all levels of the federal system is impor...

Why I am voting for Biden, and Democrats for the Senate and House

Why I am voting for Biden, and Democrats for the Senate and House. 1) Biden and Harris are the best to defend women's rights and to make progress on key issues including equal pay.    Make no mistake a Trump second term and Republican senate are the greatest threat to women and their rights.  Women are the only arbiter of what is right for their bodies.  We need a continued focus on bringing to light and combatting sexual assault, human trafficking, and the glass ceiling that continues across our country. 2) A Biden and Harris administration will work to address systemic racism and bring back civility to this country.   Systemic racism is real, read my interview with my great friend Cecilia to learn more ( )Trump entices and sparks the flames of hate between the races.  We as a society must stop denying the impact of systemic racism on Black American lives that originates back to the time of slavery.  We ...

DaisyBelle Life Lessons and Therapy for the Pandemic!

  Life continues to be uncertain for me as it is for many.  Work is in the middle of a career shift , we have a new home with a bit of remodeling that is being compl eted.  There are a few external pre ssures beyond my control such as a pandemic, an election, and the weather.  Compared to many we are quite lucky but stress and dealing with life today is not always easy for anyone. S o it dawned on me as I walked DaisyBelle, yesterday, that she may have some lessons to share for dealing with these challenging times. Peo ple say dogs are simple and they go about their day with little care just wanting to be fed, walked, and an occasional pat on the head.  I don’t think that is necessarily true.  DaisyBelle is not just a bystander in our or her own life.   In fact, she is making choices and decisions all day that are not just focused on her and are seriously impacted by our moods, if we are sick, the weather, and of course if there are fireworks or ...

142 days since I left Savannah beginning the pandemic self-isolation in Longview, TX

It is Monday, 142 days into the pandemic, and counting. I am usually a happy and optimistic person.   We are luckier than many as we have a nice home, low debt, are well fed and our families are healthy and safe.   I have Frank's love and yet I still get down just thinking about how this is day 142 and not knowing when this situation will end.   I also thought, I am not alone, and it might help others to know how I deal with these down moody times.   Exercise for the body: The mornings I go for my power walk sets up a much happier day then when I don't.  I walk with weights and do stretches along the way and is some good me time in the morning.  I am mentally productive in the morning but not the social being that many of you are and it helps my thoughts get organized for the day. Exercise for the Mind: I am taking online classes to focus on skills to sharpen my mind and resume. Some c...