142 days since I left Savannah beginning the pandemic self-isolation in Longview, TX

It is Monday, 142 days into the pandemic, and counting.

I am usually a happy and optimistic person.  

We are luckier than many as we have a nice home, low debt, are well fed and our families are healthy and safe.  

I have Frank's love and yet I still get down just thinking about how this is day 142 and not knowing when this situation will end.  

I also thought, I am not alone, and it might help others to know how I deal with these down moody times.  

Exercise for the body: The mornings I go for my power walk sets up a much happier day then when I don't.  I walk with weights and do stretches along the way and is some good me time in the morning.  I am mentally productive in the morning but not the social being that many of you are and it helps my thoughts get organized for the day.

Exercise for the Mind: I am taking online classes to focus on skills to sharpen my mind and resume. Some classes are technology-based like IBM's CloudPaks and RedHat's OpenShift. I have also been taking Linked-In classes on business writing and social media marketing.

No TV News: I have to confess to not wanting to "hear or watch" any news. It isn't that I don't keep up. I read USA Today, NY Times, and Bloomberg at least a few times a day. That said the around the clock news on TV I find sensationalized and loud. I don't care which side of the political spectrum as I find them all chasing ratings and attention and not necessarily informative.

Food and cooking:  Honestly, in this time of uncertainty this is one thing I can control and that is helpful for me. In addition, cooking can be therapeutic for me.  I typically put on some music (John Secada lately) and it relaxes me. Interestingly enough, in the beginning, it was about cookie baking and scrumptious dinners.  We enjoyed pasta bakes, stuffed cabbage, cookies of all kinds, and Frank's amazing banana pudding ice cream.  That led us to the need for a diet that we are on week 9, and the cooking of meals on a diet is more important.  

Frank's patience and charm:    I am more challenging than it may appear.  Frank has a steadiness, patience, and love for me and I am truly grateful. I tell him, often, that I could understand him wanting an escape from me as there are moments I would escape if I could. One night I am happy watching the next HGTV remodel show and the next I can't stand another remodel from Boise.  Some times it is best for me to sulk off to the bedroom and watch an episode of Bob Newhart on Hulu. (For the younger crowd you may want to google him!). 

Lucky and DaisyBelles' love:  Lucky and DaisyBelle don't care about my mood changes from day to day as long as I love, feed, and pet them.  Their love is, mostly, unconditional and I have to say they both seem to get it when my mood is not the best and stay closer.   On those days when I sneak in a nap, DaisyBelle is always up for a snuggle and a snore.

Social media my online village:  Being able to watch and chat with people from all over helps expand my "village" that I depend on to keep my moodiness at bay. I do want to thank all of you who post the funny pictures, send me an occasional message, and even challenge me with political comments as you all are helpful to me.

Accepting the current norm:  This is the hardest to accept that this is the norm for now.  A few days will go by and then a down mood will sneak inside making me feel a bit depressed.   I need to accept and understand that every day is not going to be a happy upbeat one and in these times I am not alone and not everyone is cheerful all the time.

So, I hope these points help.  As past the pandemic, we will continue to focus on what is important and truly brings us happiness and it isn't things or bling.  

It is the real love of my family, the love of my pets, and most importantly the health of my and Frank's parents and family that is the most important.

Hope you all stay healthy, find your own happiness, and sanity!



Buddah2020 said…
Well said, Brian seems u have lots of positives in ur life keeping u sane. Everyday is a new day to take on whats happening where u r, re pandemic. Keep urself occupied with the things,ppl, dogs that u luv, miss my Harry terribly, but I've come to terms with his passing, & feel him in our home. Stay safe, luv Stephen. Xxx
Thanks.. and keep well also.

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