A few comments on a challenging Wednesday morning!


A few political comments for a Wednesday.

1) After the debate, and before, there has never been a time in my life where voting is more important and that vote should be for Biden and Democratic candidates especially for the senate.

We can prove that the American dream and constitution are stronger than a corrupt president and a republican party that is willing to do follow him for their gain.  

We survived Nixon, Vietnam, and other crises in my lifetime.  Hopefully, come November 3rd we will be on our way to healing from these divisive times.

2) I am not pro-choice or pro-life, women should decide what is right for their body and neither I nor any government has any right to impose on their choices.  

3) Democrats need to wake up, the federal courts are the third branch of government in this country and meant to be part of the original checks and balances in our constitution.  Who is nominated and approved at all levels of the federal system is important.  Very few cases make it to the supreme court.

4) I am gay. I do not want the government to determine what is right for me, who I love, and I do not want to be discriminated against because of being true to myself.

5) Systemic Racism is real.  You can follow the data and see that Black Americans, are not given the same opportunities for work, education, and life as white Americans.  It is also true that the foundation of this is 100's of years of slavery and follow up discrimination that Ruth Bader Ginsburg called American Apartheid.  Until we all come to grips with racism in our country, until we do something systemically to change our society, America will not live up to the promise of all people being created equally.

6) I am for the Equal Rights Amendment.  Ruth Bader Ginsberg made a career of promoting the value of equality.  She didn't do it to lift up women alone, she championed equality for all genders and how that would uplift society.

7) I am for religious freedom that includes those who don't believe or are not sure what god to believe in.  Morality did not start or end with the ten commandments.  Humans I hope find morality in their hearts and can choose the right or wrong path.  For those who have faith, I respect that, I admire them in many ways, and hope their faith helps to magnify their morality and humanity.

8) I trust facts and the scientific method to challenge and prove what is accurate including the need to continually question and debate.  Without debate of facts, we would believe the earth is still flat.  Physics would not exist as it does today.  Leaches would be a top medical treatment and medicine would be about as good as the label printed on the bottle.

9) Global Warming is real.  California is on fire.  Hurricanes are more numerous than the names allotted to them in a season.  We have Greenland melting, and high tides that come up through drains in coastal towns.  This is not a partisan issue.  This is not an American issue.  This is an issue of humanity to save our planet.

10) I believe in justice and the rule of law.  Justice means those that break laws, civil and criminal need to be brought to justice and punished.

11) Regardless of the outcome of the election, the current administration needs to be investigated to the full extent of the law.  We can start with the entanglement of the president and his family with foreign governments and the security risks those relationships have exposed to the country.  We can then follow up with investigations that will show our constitution and rule of law is for all citizens.  We need to know the truth and those that broke laws need to be brought to justice.

12) The immigrant children separated from their parents in a concentration camp is one of the or the greatest evil tragedy in this country in my lifetime.

13) Diversity is an asset, and humanity means supporting fair immigration.  Different men, women, races, religions, and cultures bring diverse ideas and dialogue and make better decisions.

The Pandemic is horrible, we need to trust science and hope medicine can heal us and help us open back up our society. 

I am afraid that the recovery from the hate and division, that has been championed by our current leader, will take longer to recover.


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