Happiness comes in on tiptoe
Lately, I have been thinking of what it means to be happy. I at times in my life have looked for an audience, family, friends, co-workers to all stand up and applaud. Thinking that their acceptance and acknowledgement would make me happy by acknowledging my happiness. I also have always had this inner self that watched others, and observed them to see if I wanted to switch lives with anyone. Not to be jealous, but to see if there were qualities or things in their lives that I wanted to emulate and would help mine. Truthfully, I have met one person in my life that I would want to switch with.. and only for a day and that is my ex, Harry. His mind works in such contrast to mine. Feelings and Creativity rule his thought process, and mine has grown up in this school and corporate mode to analyze and deliver that living in his mind I wonder if I could find hidden strength. I have learned thanks to him to just have confidence at times that things will be OK . I used to stress ou...