Brian Siverman Background
I am Jewish, Gay male that was born and raised in Savannah, GA. Through a series of changes in life, I now live in two places, Highland Park, NJ and Provincetown , MA. in 1964, I was born in Savannah, GA. The youngest child of three children who were born almost exactly two years apart. Looking back, it was an ideal childhood. With grandparents around the corner, aunts, uncles and cousins all within a few miles. I had a Granny and Grandpa who were very loving, strong willed, and frankly had a tendency to be the first adults I can remember that treated me like an adult. I also grew up in a nice southern Jewish community where the largest of the three synagogues was Orthodox. (surprise) I also remember the emphasis among the families and community was around the synagogue and around money. How much money you had or didn't first came apparent to me when Disney World opened. I remember not being part of the group of kids that went. I don't remember feeling bad about it, but I do r...