I sit here the evening before another presidential election. Four years ago, I was excited, and wondering tonight could I do more?

I sit here the evening before another presidential election.  Four years ago, I was excited.  I had voted for Hillary, proudly, and was watching the polls and thought this was a great day for America.  I have to confess to waking up Tuesday morning with a gut feeling that something in the universe was not going the right way.  Without any doubt, I still am sure she would have been the better president and more qualified if not the most qualified president in my lifetime.

So, although the polls all show Biden in a stronger position than she was, I worry.  Ok, it is my inclination to worry, but there is still a concern not only about what happens tomorrow but how difficult the current president will make certifying this election if it doesn't go his way.  

Then, I wondered what could I do?  There may be 1 person in my network on Facebook who is undecided, maybe one more blog post would sway them the right way.

Here it goes.. let’s make this simple.. here are the questions that I would ponder and maybe you the undecided and may to sway your vote tomorrow:

1) Maybe you don't care if Frank and I can get married.  Maybe in this time of COVID, you don't care if we have the rights by the word "married" to care and love for each other, to protect each other, and to care for our family as we choose.

2) Maybe, you feel you know best what a woman should be able to do with her body.  Maybe you don't trust your mother, your sister, daughters, and cousins to know what is right for her. The idea that the government or any other person should control her body is acceptable as it would be for the government to control yours.

3) Maybe, you find the threat of illegal immigrants to be the issue that keeps you up at night.  Those 545 children detained without parents are the deterrent to keep further potential immigrants from crossing the border.  Because, certainly 545 children growing up in cages is humane and not growing additional hate of others for our country.

4) Maybe, you haven't noticed an unusual quality of Biden in today's politics that he is a gentleman and honest.  Can you imagine him lying about the pandemic to get reelected?  Can you imagine him ignoring science or looking to fire people on his team for telling the truth?

5) Maybe, you aren't old enough to remember how bad pollution was in the ‘70s or the threat of the depletion of the ozone layer later to understand how important it is that we address real concerns of the health of our planet.  By the way global warming is a larger issue and needs to be addressed now before we have more hurricane seasons where more storms go unnamed cause there are too many of them.

6) Maybe, you think the pandemic will only kill 1% of Americans and that is a sacrifice we need to take to keep the economy rolling and to not curtail our freedoms to not wear masks or to not care about social distancing.  By the way, 1% is over 3 million people, and that is acceptable to you, and maybe you haven't noticed how many COVID recovered patients have lingering health issues.

7) Maybe, you don't have concerns about the qualifications of federal judges as long as they believe in what you believe?  They are on the bench for their lifetime.

8) Maybe, you haven't had the privilege and honor to shop for health insurance lately.  Where you spend a fortune on premiums to gain little benefit other than insuring against a catastrophe.  Nothing warms your healthy heart more than to receive a letter from an insurance company warning you about how little coverage you are actually paying for. I assume you believe healthcare and good healthcare is a privilege of the rich, and who really cares they are probably the ones you think are catching COVID anyway.

9) Maybe, you think racial inequality is justified.  Maybe, you believe that your race is superior and that is the reason that all the people that look like you do better?  No worries about the history of the world from slavery to nazism that have shown how quickly hate can turn into horrors for the world and people of different races and religions. 

10) Maybe, you are not worried about how since Trump was elected the rest of the world seems to have gone into chaos.  Europe has seen nationalism on the rise.  Antisemitism in this country and around the globe have picked up, and incidents of racism and acts of hate have increased.  Like it or not, under Obama this country was seen as not only an economic and military power but a moral one as well. 

Maybe all these things above and many more, don't matter to you as much I think they should.  Maybe, you see one issue above any other that guides you toward your choice.

But, have you considered that we are giving a man another four years who lied about COVID for his own benefit while people were getting sick and dying.  That even knowing the harm of large events continues to have rallies where COVID is being spread while knowing they will get sick and at least 1% of them will die because they attended the rally.

And if none of that matters, and you are still for Trump, consider that for another four years, he will have the ability to start wars and see how they improve his ratings on TV.  He has shown the tendency to befriend North Korea and Russia over our traditional allies, and who knows how that tendency could lean toward starting wars and creating more global unsafety. 

Giving him another four years, as a lame-duck president, and not seeing the good and humanity of Biden is just something I don't understand.

Don't worry about me, I already voted, but I felt I had to speak up one more time before tomorrow.


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