A pre-Thanksgiving Message from my home in Longview, TX

I sit here on the cusp of another Thanksgiving holiday. As I can figure this is number 56 as I was born the day before my first.

I started to write about Trump, COVID, and how we got to where the world and our country are and I thought who in the hell needs to read about that!  So, I thought maybe the right thing to do, in honor of Thanksgiving, is to make a list of what I am grateful for.

First, I am grateful for Frank, DaisyBelle, and Lucky.  We may not have the textbook family, but we definitely have found a home together.  I am honestly not sure how others survive without pets in their home when the humans we love have to put up with us every day. 

Second, I am thankful we moved from Austin to Longview, TX.  We may miss Central Market, and even miss the walk around Lady Birdy Lake and our neighbors, but being in Longview near family is a joy.  It also took the pressure out of our life when the world decided to go a bit haywire.  We have a nice home, nicely updated with Frank's leadership, and are hunkered down here mighty comfortably.  Finally, we have good neighbors who share their garden produce and are kind as we all walk by, even if they post an occasional Trump sign or flag in their yard.

Third, I am grateful to have two good friends to start a new business, An Integrated Business consulting company.  I joke if you can't start a business in a pandemic when can you.  But, honestly, I remember around the Savings and Loan crisis of the late 80's practical solutions that help businesses become more efficient are always in need, especially during a crisis.  JR and Jeff are good friends, talented and we all share a focus on running a customer focuses company ethically and with transparency.

Fourth, It is great to be kneaded.  I have taken up baking bread.  I am not sure why, other than there is not a lot of good bakeries in Longview., and it keeps me entertained. Whether it is an Irish Soda Bread (easy), rye bread, or honey wheat they have all come out pretty well.  The first batch of rye rolls were more like ammunition, but apparently yeast can go bad and lose its "steam", so the second batch with new yeast was much better

Fifth, I am grateful for my siblings and my parents who definitely raised three different children and enabled us to embrace our individuality.  But, as we navigate the pandemic and the care of our parents we have come together with love and respect for one another.

Sixth, my sister, niece, and her husband in Savannah.  I never imagined on March 7th, leaving Savannah for Longview, that I would not be back to Savannah this year.  Our intent was and is to split our time between the two cities but the pandemic and rules on travel have kept us here.  We do our best to stay in touch, talk to parents most days and discuss their lives but knowing that my sister is in town and helping them is more than just a great comfort.  Also, Amanda and James have shown their love for their grandparents without much of a fuss, which adds to my parents’ comfort and support as we approach 9 months of stay at home from the pandemic.

Seventh, my parents.  We are quite lucky to have our parents alive, healthy, and sharing their love and support of us in our middle age.  There are challenges around the pandemic and being at home, but they have stayed healthy and virus free which is amazing.  They both were in the hospital at the beginning of the year, and how lucky we are that they were both safely home before the pandemic really took hold of all of our daily lives.

Eighth, DaisyBelle and Lucky. I know I mentioned them already but they warrant a second mention here.  I think one advantage of pets is they don't know about the pandemic.  They are living their normal lives and maybe they recognize we are home more and they like that anyway.  They create a routine around our routine.  As an example, and a bit of humor, 9 PM is DaisyBelle's last time out for the night.  She goes out back to do her business, and Lucky is usually carried out to enjoy some fresh air before bed.  DaisyBelle expects Lucky and waits for her before she does her business. It also happens that many evenings, after their last outing for the night, I go watch tv in bed while Frank watches the latest sci-fi adventure.  One evening DaisyBelle and Lucky went out, and I came back in and I sat on the couch to watch the end of a show with Frank.  Lucky, the disinterested cat, kept walking in and out of the bedroom and looking at me as this was our time together in the bedroom and she was ready for bed herself.  We may think cats are aloof to our needs and routine, but at least for this cat who told me where and when, it isn't so!

Ninth is online newspapers such as the NY Times, Washington Post, and USA Today.  The only way I survive being informed without either drinking early in the day or going bonkers is I don't have to listen to any of the broadcasters of our day.  I stay in touch through a variety of sources throughout the day even an occasional look at the news channel websites but if I had to listen to them scream and talk it would make me a bit nauseous.  For the record, the best for the election was the NY Times. They had trends for each state.  You could track down to the county what was going on and they had by Wednesday predicted that Georgia was leaning to Biden and gave Biden a 62.7% chance for taking Georgia.  Not only did this make it easy to track results, but their pundits feed of comments was selective and interesting as well and you could do your research in silence.

Tenth, friends and chosen family.  There are so many people in my life who surprise me, contact me, and provide support that I realize how lucky I am.  The family we choose as they say.  That check-in from people on Facebook.  The gift box, from a great friend, that includes forgotten favorites such as chocolate covered pretzels.  A friend who reminds me constantly how much I have to learn about life and racism.  The many who respond to daily thoughts, blogs, and of course to the start of the new company.  You are all appreciated and loved more than you may ever realize.

Finally, did I mention Frank?  Many people have been lulled into thinking I am an easy-going guy that may be a joy to live with every day.  I would like to think that is true, but I actually know better.  I can become stubborn about odd things at times.  Tend to change my mind about outings and plans on occasion.  I also have a mind that tends to wander and fire in different directions at will making me a bit unpredictable.  Frank takes all that in stride and loves me anyway.  I have said to him many times I would understand the need for a break from me occasionally as I would take a break if I could!  With his help, and putting up with my impatience, we have created a nice home here in Longview and most importantly it truly is a home to be comfortable in.  I sit here in my office contemplating podcasts to be released after Thanksgiving while he is on the patio working and waiting for Lucky to come in for her second breakfast.  I truly am a lucky man!

I hope you all have a happy, healthy, and pleasant Thanksgiving!  Also, hope that as we get closer to the new year optimism around vaccines and the changing political climate in our country will bring the light of joy to us all.



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