OK.. All Armadillos have their underbelly..
I feel like an Armadillo at times. Hard shell, gets around well, and sometimes
even a little cute. If I have a moment,
of exposed anxiety, I remember there is a shell around me and I just keep
trudging forward. The faster I move,
walk or execute an idea the less likely that thin skinned underbelly will show
and I will get hurt. So, I sit here this
morning feeling like an Armadillo on his back, legs and feet scrambling trying
to get back on his feet to have that shell protect him once again.
It doesn't happen to me often. Miss Daisy Bell spent the night here, and she
was amazing. The weather yesterday was
pretty horrible but she managed to keep her wits about her. (OK she did what
dogs do, she slept all day). She didn't
run out in the rain too much, and actually seemed to find a way to walk under
the umbrella with me. So, we had an OK
day sitting at home in the rain. She
seems to be eating well. Slowly gaining
more strength, and actually showing a little spunk. All good, and I think she is beginning to
realize we are the boss and she needs to heal and follow as compared to the
drag to the next sniff on our walks.
Yes, I have mentioned my mood can shift with the weather so
having her company was a good thing.
This morning we were up early. Not early to me, but for her, around 6:00 AM or
6:30 AM... everyone get their act together.
The sun is out shining thankfully.
All the water in the parking lot, mostly gone, and a much better doggy
day. So, I think walk, feed the
creature, and then off for my usual huff and puff walk. So far so good. The weather was a little cooler this
morning. She enjoyed a longer walk than
usual, who wouldn't after being inside most of the day yesterday, and all is
well. Back to feed her, and I even got
coffee ready for my return. She wanted
another quick walk, so off we go, and now it is my turn. Standing at my car to get my head phones and
I hear a bark. Could it be Daisy
Bell? Haven't heard her bark much. Yes, it is her... so I wait to see if it will
stop. Only 8am, and I really don't want
her to wake the natives. So, she barks
again and I go up and make her feel bad for barking, so I hope. And try again, I stood downstairs and
realized she only barked when something went by the condo or another dog barked
outside. I just realized that my walk
would wait till it was a little later in the morning and the occasional bark
doesn't bother the natives. Truthfully,
I don't want a dog that doesn't bark when things aren't right, but I realize
she may just be a little too large to be here all the time. (I knew that
So, dog days are good.
She is right now back to her normal sleeping position on the couch and
here I sit. I am sitting here at my
dining table, coffee in hand, watching outside one window where the gay pride
flag is blowing over the breeze of the water below. The other light is sun for miles with a hint
of clouds and palm trees in my window.
And, I realize once again as my gloomy mood lifts, I am a slave to the
I am a lucky fellow.
I have created at the mid-point of my life, some freedom of choice and
time. Robert Frost had two roads to
choose from, and I see more than two. It
makes my choices more important. It also
makes certainty of direction a little less easy to obtain. So, no complaints, just a little off and
wondering how this day may unfold to change all of that.
There are moments I miss a career of total activity. Where three balls are in the air, and like an
arcade game you are waiting for the next one to add to the juggle. Where the
most important decisions come down to what is the most important activity to
give your focus to without letting the other balls fall hopelessly to the
There are moments where I really just want to get on a plane
and fly away. I don't know where, and as
mentioned in an early post, I actually like the journey itself almost as much
as the destination.
There are moments where I want to find a greater calling and
when I see possibilities I breathe, and wonder.
There are moments I go into a store, or a restaurant and
they all seem happy there. I wonder what
would I be like as a merchant, a restaurateur, or even a bartender.
Then there are moments where I listen to this sweet dog
snoring on my couch and think there must be another possibility that I haven't
discovered. As I continue to watch the
wind blowing the palm trees, the flags over the water, and think what a lucky
fellow I am to be able to explore these choices. Maybe the answer is exposing my underbelly
enough to catch something new...