Pet Peeves Friday

Pet Peeves Friday:

1) When you are at a signal, to turn left, and the light changes.  The person in front of you allows huge space to grow between them and the car in front of them as they turn left to assure that people behind them might miss the light.

2) While we are on the subject, when did it become unfashionable to signal.  We have some odd intersections here where the go straight and turn left are the same lane and people don't seem to think turning on their signal is a good idea.  Or worse, make it more fun turn that signal on as you are turning!

3) Which leads to the obvious pet peeve, the reason they didn't signal is they are on their cell phone.  You know the type, it is obviously on speaker cause their lips are just about touching the bottom of the phone.  Which happens to be their left hand that would have taken the time to hit the switch for the turn signal.  They tend to be driving terribly slow and annoying.

4) People who get in line at Starbucks and act like they have never been there before, and wait till they are at the front of the line to decide what to order and look at those delectable food items in the case that are the same in every Starbucks!  (Sort of like the old joke of being in line at McDonald's and asking what fish is in the Filet o Fish sandwich!)  If you don't know what they have by now, step back slowly and no harm will be caused by you observing the pros!

5) I understand she is a waitress, and my sensitivity to that should be higher, but to pay your grocery store bill of a $150 with ones so the Publix Cashier needs someone to count it again to be sure... HELLO!  at least it wasn't in the express lane.

6) New packaging, so that companies can reduce the size or quantity of what they sell.  New Mach3 razor blades, at BJ's, , are now four cartridges per container instead of 5.  You almost can't tell, as it fits in the holder and they think most people can't count to 5, I guess but still.  (This isn't new, my Grandpa taught me this when they changed the look of a Kleenex box while reducing the count of tissues decades ago.)

7) Consistency in the quantity of coffee being sold at the grocery store.  Long ago a pound of coffee, well was a pound.  Now, they range all over and you just don't know.

8) IT Analyst that were in college when the first iPhone came out.  Don't you need some sense of the history, or background to actually know if what the vendor is selling you is bull shit.

9) Speaking of bad reporting, the local gay RAG (Florida Agenda) did a news story on the Steel Gym here and their filing for chapter 11.  Even though they can run a profitable gym in NYC and Miami, little Wilton Manors seems to be the problem.  They blamed the landlord of the gym (there have been gyms in this spot for quite a while) and not one mention in the article if they had even spoken to the landlord or verified any of the comments from the Steel Gym owner.  But, he is "hulking Body Builder" , well built and contributes to the Gay community which means no reason to corroborate what he said.  (He may very well be right, but...) .  By the way, they also announced this reporter is now the editor in Chief.  Makes one wonder doesn't it since this was under the category of  "Truth Alert"?

10) OK, I feel like I am compelled to have 10, as in the Letterman top 10.  So, back to product packaging.  Has anyone noticed that, a cleaner whether to mop the floors or wash the dishes, that how concentrated they are (thus how much you need to use per cleaning) changes widely from one package to the next?  Makes it hard to compare prices.


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