Mr. Putin: Happy Memorial Day!

Mr. Putin:  Happy Memorial Day!

On this Memorial Day, in Fort Lauderdale, this Gay, Jewish, American thanks all of those who have put a uniform on to defend our country and even more to those whose lives were sacrificed for this luxury of being able to call America my home.  From global wars to keep a free world of independent countries, to wars in our county to free slaves and change our country for the better.  For those, that have left the secure soil of north America to venture around the globe to fight and help other countries at times over concerns for their freedom as well as our own, I thank them.

"All Men are Created Equal"

Our Memorial Day is unique, it is to celebrate the sacrifice people have made for the survival of this country.  The defense of something you may not be able to imagine in Russia.  A country that was founded on a unique principle, that all men are created equal and that religion should not be the basis of the rule of law of the country.

Our Declaration of Independence was almost 238 years ago.  In terms of human history, we are a young country.  We keep looking at our country as a work in progress, and how can we continue to improve.  These improvements come because we are open to new ideas.  We tend to welcome immigrants and the new energy and ideas that come from cultures all over the world.

Yes, we have unique opportunities here.   We are geographically blessed to be in North America with friendly neighbors and oceans to protect our other borders.  We have been blessed as your country with many natural resources which help feed, fuel and supply the creative energy that has created a country never seen before.

Mr. Putin, I sit here in Fort Lauderdale, FL this Memorial Day morning watching the sunrise as I do most days at the beach.  The sun is shining, there is coffee and breakfast waiting for me at home, and it is a holiday here.

"certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

Our founding fathers created a system of government, imperfect of course as we are human, but with a unique ability to support change, to allow for the peaceful change of leadership, and might I say a slow enough bureaucracy to be able to evolve with its people.  Who would imagine today not allowing women to vote, preventing different races to marry, legalized slavery, or even the prohibition of alcohol.  These United States of America have evolved, and we continue to do so.  Who knows in near term even men and women who love each other will be able to marry even if they are the same gender.

Unlike many, we see opportunity in our flaws.  We see that to be an American is to accept our ambition and goals as a country and should not be dependent on our race or where we were born.  Yes, we still have inequalities but as time progresses we try to improve how we respond to people of different races, religion, and yes sexual orientation.

We also happen to be powerful militarily, economically and, I hope more often than not, morally.  Doesn't mean again that we are perfect, just means we try to improve not only the lives inside our borders but hopefully use our will for good to help nations around the globe.

So, as you trumpet the value of being Russian and try to use your military might to be critical of the United States might I suggest on this Memorial Day that you look at our brief history.  We have resolve.  We have strength in our diversity, of people who continue to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  We also see strength in our diverse culture including many such as my family that immigrated from Russia to find a unique kind of freedom that had not been seen before.

Might I say from my view of the beach this morning, I find America to be Beautiful!  Happy Memorial Day.

 Barbra Streisand Sings America the Beautiful!


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