Random thoughts on a Saturday

If Woody Allen is guilty, and I am leaning to believe his daughter.  Then there is no separating the art from the artist.  That would be like separating out the value of medical experiments in concentration camps from the perpetrators.  Frankly, his staunch denial in a letter to the NY Times with what seems little concern for his daughter as compared to his reputation seems telling to me.  I do not watch anything that has Charlie Sheen in it, because he beat his wife.  I don't see any reason to move beyond that and don't care he may have been the 1/2 of a man on Two and Half Men but I don't have to watch him.   Bernie Madoff was a nice Jewish boy except for stealing billions and trust of thousands?  What would this discussion be like if Woody Allen was a basketball player?  Rock star?

Yes, I cannot see the opening, closing, or ice skating of the Olympics without streaming them to my TV.  I believe I can, but I am trying to decide if I care and by the time I do it will be over any way.

The more Oscar nominated movies I see the less interested I become in who wins an Oscar.  Frankly, The Butler seems to have been forgotten and it was certainly better than most I saw last year.

Getting into my car to head to the beach and the blue tooth works.. until out of the parking lot.  Assume the phone slipped under my seat only to find later it was in my home all along. OY Vey!  I can upgrade my phone.. I want a MotoX and I know my Apple zealot friends will curse me.. With Lenovo buying Motorola I should just do nothing.  Anyone out there ever convert and what happens to all my music?

I am being scorned on a chat site for expecting order out of the random act of walking o the beach in the morning.  I do not think some simple rules are out of question do you?
I have odd expectations:
  1. People  should watch out for each other so they don't run into one another or push me into a lamp post 
  2. If you are walking with someone else and there is not room for everyone you should make room as there are those damn light posts and trash bins that don't miraculously move 
  3. It is America walk on the right side of the side walk please 
  4. Runners are not more important than walkers. 
  5. Bikes belong in the bike lane. Bikes that are stationery should be tied up to a bike rack and those speed bikers using the trees as an obstacle course in the middle of the morning ... well my desires will go quiet.  
  6. Inline skaters should be in the bike lane, or is most cases taken out and punished for taking more room that anyone else.  Just cause you think you are prettier.. oh and middle aged men on the beach first time on inline skates are only looking for laughter?  
  7. To walk along the beach and not look at the sunrise is to show lack of humanity.  
  8. None of the above matters much, but would be nice any way. 

There have been an unusually large number of manatee sightings at the building here. I hope it is a sign of increases in their population.

I loved my pots before.. I tried to not forget to water them so I over watered.  Who knew?  but now the splash of color from Harry and Dale is much appreciated.  I hope I can keep them alive till Thanksgiving on my own!!!

I have these three little plants next to me that look like they could be from some old Martian movie if they were enlarged or something one would see waving in the ocean.  Mother Nature really is a marvel, and I do think we over estimate our influence on her.

OK, this is free advice and may be worth less than that.. but here we go.  People have a tendency to transfer their own power over their lives to others, and that causes them to be in miserable situations longer.  Maybe it is a boss that is not treating you fairly.  Or, a friend who wants you to do things you do not want to do.  Or, a family member who is pushing you to behave in a certain way, because they worry you will embarrass them.  Or, in the most extreme the need to conform to society even when you do not believe it is in your best interest or happiness.  The answer is to take that power back into yourself and refocus on your inner happiness.  What do you have to smile, keep your wits about you, and to make you proud in your life?  Reality is that even in the worst moments, I bet you have more to be happy about than miserable, and if you focus on yourself that is what you can change.  You can't control the rest, and you don't know why they are behaving a certain way, and unless they are your child you can't change their behavior.  When I am the most frustrated and grumpy I will ask myself who I know I want to trade lives with, and honestly I haven't found anyone.  It can be just a decision to wake up earlier and take a walk on the beach.  Maybe change jobs before they change you.   Learn to say no to do things you do not want without feeling compelled to give a reason.   But, you can decide to take that power back and not let them ruin another minute of your life.  It is hard to do, and I am not always successful at it but trying to do that has taken a lot of stress out of my life.

I hope you all have a great weekend...


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