I must say no.. and not stay quiet.

I must weigh in more on the Arizona and now GA bills that will allow, based on religion, people to discriminate against others.  From what I have seen this bill does doesn't limit this to the LGBT community (not that would make it right!).  I read the bill (three times) and ( link is here)    basically it says if you can prove that it is against your religion to do something and are sincere you don't have to follow governmental regulations.

This is being publicized as an anti-gay measure, but it truly allows any business or person to not serve a customer based on their religious beliefs.  So, a Christian store owner could deny a Jewish or Muslim customer entry to their store or visa verse.

People decide who to be around.  Businesses decide who to target for their marketing and sales activities.  The issue here is not what they personally believe, either the business or the customer, but should a government in this country pass a law that sanctions and legalizes discrimination.

You may wonder, why can't we queers just go ahead and hide.  You know, butch it up.  Nobody has to know, and we can make sure when you come in our homes that you can't tell.  You know... if we are a couple make sure that you have your clothes in different bedrooms and separate bathrooms.  We wouldn't want anyone coming into our home to be embarrassed or surprised by our "lifestyle".  Love the sinner but hate the sin so just keep it all hidden.

But, today in Uganda a man was killed because he was on the top 200 gay men as published in a tabloid.  That is why we can't just hide.  Men and women are being killed all over the world for being gay, and many of the killers and government decided it was against God to be gay because some minister, preacher or Rabbi told them and many of those people come from this country.  So, asking us to hide and not be true to ourselves would not only hurt us but it also sends a message to the world that it is OK to shun and kill gay people.

So, don't ask me to stay quiet about Arizona and GA.. and other states that want to pass laws that start us down the path that just being gay is a reason to be shunned.  I am a citizen, tax payer, productive member of this society and will not accept being treated as a second class citizen because of who my heart chooses to love.

I spent my childhood knowing it wasn't OK that people hated me because I was Jewish.  I remember marching in Savannah around the Yom Kippur War and being yelled at as we marched.  I remember being in German class in high school and being hated because I was Jewish.  So, here I am coming out again.. Jewish, Gay, bald.. which one of these should be the real reason someone in a store, restaurant or business should decide they don't want to serve me.  In Arizona prove it is part of your religious beliefs and that you are sincere and any of these will do.

I woke up this morning feeling great joy in my home town.  Gay Pride recognition at the beach of Fort Lauderdale.  Florida is not perfect.. no marriage or protections but it is getting there.  We don't really need other states starting a trend that will take those rights away or threaten gay citizens in other states that have more rights than we do in Florida.

So, I must say no... it isn't OK for AZ to legalize discrimination.  No, I won't hide who I am because you may not be comfortable.  And yes,  I am ashamed that the state where I was born appears to be next in line! And finally I choose to not stay quiet !!!!


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