Something Older... Wiser... and Happier New Year!

ABSILVER 2013 Wrap Up

I sit here on the edge of a new year thinking about tomorrow.   Not in the sense, of actually tomorrow, when I will ring in the new year with some good friends at a dinner that starts at 9pm (9pm!).  But, more in the sense that if I were a book, I would see that it as the page is turned there is a blank page with a new number on it, a chapter to change the tale and direction of the moment.  Or, is it more like a menu at a restaurant that you turn over to see what they have for dinner or their wine list.  I am 49 and hopefully only at the mid-point of my life but I must say this has me wondering about the future.

There is a consistency in many movies or tv shows I have seen lately where people seem to be concerned about their legacy when they leave this planet to move onto whatever is next.  I don't know that I believe in what is next because nobody has ever come back to tell us what it is like. Think about all the personalities in your life, that have passed on to the next realm, and not one not even my Granny has tickled my toe or done something to let me know.

So, I have been thinking about my life lately and I think it is going to be more like a Broadway Musical, and for a lack of a better description we are at intermission.  I know there is at least a whole act to come and it will be as entertaining as the first but I am not sure what is behind the curtain.  I keep thinking of the different shows I have seen and I really want my life to be like Hairspray.  When I think of my favorite shows, Ragtime is a little too conventional of an ending.  Aida, as much as I really do think it is the best of the broadway disney musicals (which shall add concern to many here) but it ends with a sense of purpose of the hero and heroine and their memory and personally I am not concerned with the day after I am gone.  I loved a Funny Thing Happened on the way to the forum especially with Whoopi Goldberg but I dare say not many people say a Funny thing happened on the way to Brian's!  There were shows like Cabaret which made me walk out in shock about the scene at the end with the Nazi's.  But, HairSpray is a fun movie, good theme about racial injustice, and most importantly at the end you just want to keep dancing and singing.  So, if the second act is as much fun and as productive as my first act hopefully I will walk out on the stage for an ovation (assuming the next realm has an audience) and here the applause and everyone will be standing and dancing around.

It is also time for some other random thoughts as the year comes to an end:

I kept the focus, from last year, and  I continues to learn this year to keep on rocking and looking for happiness in every day of my life.  Too many people, I watch, seem to be planning for a happy time as a squirrel buries acorns for the winter.  I am not suggesting every day can be happy, but that having it as a goal every day is my focus. Frankly, if you keep burying your acorns, you might forget where they are and it might be too late!!

I complained  about getting up at 5:45AM in the morning to go walk even if I had no morning meetings or calls but I noticed after a few days of rising later I missed the earlier time.  This morning as I drove up to space 331 I watched a cruise ship slipping into port before her guests woke up... They really move like ballerinas on the sea and quite quickly into port to get to their boat slip on time.


I am going to come out and say it, I saw Wolf of Wall Street and if not for my cousins I think I would have walked out in the first hour.  He doesn't have nearly the redeeming value of the sunrise in the morning, and to me the excess seemed to be the focus of the movie and Decaprio's naked butt ain't what it used to be either and it just seemed to  be more and more of the same story.  It also seemed to me, for Dicaprio, a very similar character to the one in The Great Gatsby and I wasn't too crazy about that either.

Saving Mr. Banks was slow for the first hour but I liked the end enough to watch it again.  You go in thinking this is a Tom Hanks movie, but really is an Emma Thompson movie with Tom Hanks as a bookmark to help you see the changes in her.

Last night I watched "Guilt Trip" again on Netflix and I have to say the end charms a tear out of my eye still and I am amazed and think Barbra Streisand is underrated as an actress.

Went to see "The Book of Mormon" and was entertaining but frankly I think if it was "The Book of the Torah, Bible, or Koran" the humor would be lost and those faiths would be highly offended.  Why can't a profit or angel have come to Rochester NY?


Get a Chromecast, it is only $29 on Amazon and you can see what it is.  Even if you only use it once a month for a while who cares but the approach of always on and available and easy to access Netflix, Youtube and now other services is just a good thing to have.

I bitched and moan about the new IOS7 with everyone else, but once I learned how to change the order of the icons it now actually behaves much better with my car than IOS6.

Life and Career:

As I said before, I will say it here again, I want to keep at the center of my life happiness.  Not as a selfish ambition but frankly to show the necessity of it and the increasing generosity I gain from allowing my own happiness to be a focus.  This drove career decisions in May, and I think it will deliver new career choices in 2014.

I truly wish you all a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year in 2014.


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