I am a creature of habit, habitually trying to push myself not to be a creature of habit.

Random thoughts... and photos

I am a creature of habit, habitually trying to push myself not to be a creature of habit.

I don't mean to be rude, or hurtful, but I am going to revert back to my previous Christmas holiday ritual.  Chinese Food and a movie.

If your personal pictures on a dating site show pictures of a restaurant or store that has not been open in years, please don't tell me all your pictures are recent.

What is most disheartening about the Credit Card debit card breach at Target?

1) That it took them apparently 19 days or more to discover the breach was occurring... since this was happening over a period of time as compared to a one time snatch of information.

2) That apparently the secret service is investigating, and thus may have been the agency that discovered this and alerted Target.  What if this was because of all of the evil data collecting of the government.

3) When I received the email from Target of the breach and that it may impact me that not one Target Executive signed the note?

4) The offer of 10% off at Target is limited to one shopping trip... and wonder if they recommend you use the same card that put you into this predicament in the first place.

I like Target, but I have a sinking suspicion they knew about this sooner and tried to fix or quiet the problem since it started on the weekend of Thanksgiving.  If they are found not to be in compliance with PCI (Credit card security standard) this is going to cost them a ton and this will have a serious material impact to Target beyond their reputation.

Citibank is recommending people get replacement credit and debit cards, and was very easy to deal with to get it done either online or in person.

Why are people more concerned about the NSA collecting data about them, than Facebook, Google, AT&T or any other company?  I have written a fair amount about privacy, and my concerns in the past.  That said, if the NSA and Secret service were the way we knew there was a security breach at Target (cause of their data surveillance) and none of these other companies were aware what does that really say?

Doesn't is sound liberating that your health insurance and its availability to you is not dependent on your wealth or the generosity of your employer?  that you can change jobs, careers, or watch sun rises and know that health insurance is available and relatively affordable to you?  I assume many companies are not happy that their employees will feel less loyal than before, especially since most do not provide a traditional retirement program.  Whole Foods CEO being so negative to it, makes me question why I shop there.

I like clean sheets, and thus like clean feet so I wear socks with sandals.

Palm Trees seem to sway with the wind, sun, and rain and I get to wake up with them and swear some mornings they are waving at me.  Palm Trees can fake you into thinking they are more than a plant.

Freedom of speech means I can say what I want.  It doesn't mean that freedom extends to being able to keep my job, and my employer can't fire me especially when my job is a public persona.  That said this wacky duck thing, can be recast-ed to the internet and be paid more than on a TV Network I bet.  (so ending the agreement with A&E may have been the goal all along.)

What happens if they discover global warming is really caused mostly by methane from livestock?

Saving Mr. Banks, was good, and I think Emma Thompson was great.  But, for something that has been hyped for awards it pails in comparison to The Butler.  (going to see August Osage County on Christmas Day)  That said, I think this year the challenge for Oscars appears to be a female affair... at least from my perspective.  Can you imagine a best Oscar crowd of Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, Oprah Winfrey, and maybe Emma Thompson?

This would have been the ideal week to win the Florida Lottery (no I didn't)... was $46 million and the winner didn't even make the news.

Blackberry spinning off its handset business is the smartest business move in a decade, and I bet they will be bought by the end of 2014.

I am edging closer to switching from an iPhone to a droid.  I think the next upgrade cycle a Motox might be in my future.  I am learning to like the Google ecosystem better, even as I get more worried about all of their data collections and decisions on my behavior.

I wonder about evolution.  If there is another animal out there that is or will be superior to humans what will we do?  Not an alien, assume there is a being that is smarter than we are that is the next evolutionary branch after us and isn't one of my favorite snow birds...


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