So... This is one of those days where I want to pinch myself

So... This is one of those days where I want to pinch myself.  Actually, the last twenty four hours are almost perfect for Brian.  

Started last night with a fun evening with Debi and Mark.   Great chat, great friends, food and a little drink.   Have to teach mark to eat hamburgers at least medium.  I love the Alibi but don't confuse the waiter should be the motto.   If I order medium or medium rare , and mark orders medium well they will mix up the two. So last night I went with Mark's lead...  I yield to the pinker side of a hamburger, but all was well..

Got home, fell asleep and woke up at 4:15am and intended to wake up at 4:30 for my weekend in NYC.   I have a travel pro 8 knapsack and that thing is turning into a top ten purchase.  Was able to get everything in there I need for 3 days.  Made it easy at the airport... Which was there at 5:45am and sitting at the gate by 6:15am for my flight to NYC.  

Flight Uneventful  and maybe 2/3 full to JFK and was actually about 20 minutes early.  Except for the over eager flight attendant, I have to say Delta seems to have flying as smooth as any airline I have flown lately.  I even slept half the flight.  For those of you, and I was one, who believed the easiest airport into the city is Newark cause of the train.  Hold on to your hat because JFK maybe easier.  You can walk to the AirTrain that takes you to the Jamaica station,  $5 AirTrain fair and $2.50 subway and I was in manhattan in 40 minutes and three blocks from the hotel.  ( Lexington Hotel on Lexington! :) ).   So, in New York by 11... Checked into the hotel and headed out by 11:15am.  

Weather is warm but not hot.  Sky is blue and only a few clouds and a little breeze actually.  

Then off to Murray's for my bagel fix.  I want to explain this for you novices.  You may go to Einsteins, dunkin donuts,  or even the grocery store and think you have had a bagel.  A round roll with a hole does not make a bagel.   My perfect meal, sesame seed bagel,nova lox, cream cheese and romaine lettuce.  (And resist the coffee and go for a diet coke!).  So, let me explain, the bagel when fresh does not need to be toasted.   It is a little chewy, crusty, and the bagel has a unique taste.   Next, the Nova Lox is not fishy, but definitely salmon that was smoked and when you taste it.. You know it matches the bagel for taste..  Cream cheese that is soft but also tasty.  The romaine lettuce for a little crisp crunch and you have the perfect sandwich.   The Diet Coke adds the right beverage ( and the right shall we say belch at the end ).  

Then I proceeded to Bananna Republic because I messed up my shirt, and they had a sale on top of a sale.  Two nice shirts for $45.   Yes, Glen it gets better, then decided to walk back to the hotel and found the High Line Park.  NYC figures out how to turn olld elevated train tracks into a park and gardens, and a way to stroll through the middle of Chelsea and the Village almost up to Penn Station.  Truly amazing, and shall I dare say a European feel to it.  So, you feel like you are an observer of NYC From this  great garden a floor above. 

Only slight disappointment was the Chelsea Market.  Cause it still has all the fabulous food, and stores, but has become a tourist destination as well.  (Thanks to Food Network). Was a little too crowded on a Friday Afternoon. 

So, as Liza Minelli sang at CarnegieHall, I happen to like New York!!!

Little humor from NYC on a Friday. 


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