What do Palm Trees and Adirondack Chairs Have in Common?

I sit here.. enjoying a relatively cool morning in Fort Lauderdale.  A great walk this morning on the beach, latte, and here I sit contemplating a month that continues the year of change for me.

Unless there are some surprises, I will sell Provincetown and the closing is end of the month.  I think back to the initial days of buying the condo in Provincetown.  Where my life was at the time, and how far I have come since those days.   At the closing I think in 2006, I was working as a Worldwide Sales Executive for IBM.  House in New Jersey, Snow bird in Florida with Harry and Daisy, and looking for an investment and a place to go to in the summer.

On a chilly day in March, I went to Provincetown looking for a get away and for many years what was to be a getaway turned into a home.  Harry and I enjoyed, and became a safe haven when we broke up.  Good friends turned into family, and I learned to enjoy the uniqueness and beauty that is only Provincetown.   If you have kept up with my blog, you have read much about Provincetown, and seen a few pictures of its true beauty which is forgotten sometimes in the chaos of "season".   There are people in Provincetown that I have to be believe will be in my family of friends for life.  Mostly, the ladies of Provincetown I think of as the backbone.  The closer I have gotten to Lee, Jane, Patty, Peggy, Evette, Pingle, Caroline, and all of the local ladies I have grown to appreciate the strength and grace that really is the heart of Provicentown.

I didn't decide to sell the condo because Provincetown is not in my heart.  I decided to sell, because I am home.  Fort Lauderdale is home, and as much as flights seem quick the ability to leave here and arrive at Provincetown's shore is just not as easy or flexible as a train ride from New York.  It is also time for me to be more settled in my personal life, and this is part of that adventure.

So, I thought I would list my top 10 memories of Provincetown:

1) First night at 422 Commercial Street.  Patti, Lori, Ted, Brendan and Lee making me feel like I hadn't bought a condo but a room at a very warm fraternity or sorority house.  I will never forget Patti running up stairs " We know you are busy unpacking, but cocktails are at 5 on the porch and dinner will be sometime after, welcome!".

2) First time Harry came to see the condo.  Started out rough seas on the Ferry, bugs at dinner, and then the next morning walking the gardens and Harry realized my sanity had been restored.

3) The first Carnival with Jello Shots.  All the trial runs the week prior to get the recipe was just precious, and glad nobody fell off the porch!  Oh, First Carnival when we sat on the porch for hours seeing what the tourists would do for some beads!!!

4) First time my niece Donna was in Provincetown, and the experience of sharing a glass of wine.   I think she visited three more times, and helped me move there from Jersey all good times.

5) Carol and Josef's visit last year for Fourth of July.  Honest, what a great way to wrap up my own adventure in Provincetown.  Thanks!

6) Porch parties.  The best times were the impromptu cocktail parties that were just spontaneous and enjoyed.

7) Sitting on the stairs on the porch with Lee and Pearl, and watching the moon rise after dinner at the Mews.

8) Tea Dance with Jimmy and Patti.  (will have to ask for me more!)

9) Walking to the shore and sending pictures of my walk to Mark, and remember the tears in my eyes seeing the fall colors in the dunes and feeling lucky to take him along with me.  I think this was before the Amigos visit!

10) Wine at the June Bar with Audrey.  There was something about that space that just jazzed up my soul not to mention one of the best places to view the monument and have a glass of wine.

11) The three amigos in Provincetown.  I remember spending so much time worried about how the three of us would stay in a 310 sq ft condo for a week.  I don't  remember any tension that week, and just remember the experience and joy together.  The following visits with Bruce, Bear Week and all were great as well!

12) Sitting at Bayside Betsy's in the winter and having dinner, wine, and socializing with Nick and the locals.

13) Dancing at Tea Dance with the Amigos.

14) The Englishmen in the back and Lee putting on a lobster eating (Training) party in the back yard.

15) The most amazing thing is most of the people there on vacation (rentals at 422) flowed nicely into just being part of the local family at the house.  Was pretty sweet.

16) Walking off the ferry, and walking up Commercial Street to the house on a Friday afternoon from the Train from NYC.  Just this great breath of a moment to relax and enjoy.

17) Fourth of July with... the Amigos, Lee and the Girls, Carol and Josef, Donna... ok July 4th Fireworks in Provincetown.

Yes, I know this is more than ten.. and I assume after next weekend the list will grow even longer.

So what do Adirondack Chairs and Palm Trees have in common?  ME!


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