I am tired also.. and only 48.

There is a bogus, thankfully I researched, email floating around that is supposed to be from Bill Cosby but it is not.    http://billcosby.com/2011/09/if-you-got-the-bogus-email-its-time-to-hit-delete/   Supposed to be about his feelings at 83 but he is only 75 going on 76.

I started writing cause frankly it pissed me off.  So, I changed the below to not be critical of Bill Cosby but I am... I am tired of people assuming they know what other people have endured, because they see them walking down the street with tattoos or studs in their ears.

Tired, of people judging people who have found hardship in their lives and accept no responsibility to help them.  Maybe, they lost their job because their skills were no longer needed, or because they came down with a chronic illness through no fault of their own, or possibly the one you think looks strange is really a CEO of a new media company.  Maybe they lost their job cause some artist, media person, or 1% decided to do their next project somewhere out of the country.

Tired of people complaining about the 1% earners, and what they should be doing to help the world.  But, also tired of those 1% not recognizing their was some amount of luck and timing to allow their intellect and talent to shine.  Thankfully in this country there are multitudes of people with the talent, that through a twist of fate, could be in their shoes.

Tired, of people criticizing the Muslim world, but not offering anything to help change their outlook.  We are talking a very large population of people around the world and most are not hateful or pursuing war and hatred.

Tired, of someone at any age who because of the color of his skin, when was growing up could not have been served in many places in the south saying that the government doesn't have a role to play in our lives.  Or, when a tragedy occurs aren't the first to wonder where the government was or is to help them and their families.

Tired, of the same people who criticize the 99% and say they want freedom to act as they please turn around and criticize people for how they dress or look.  Just cause the generation that follows refuses to dress and act the way the current generation thinks they should does not diminish their value to society.  I mean think of all those suits, and straight laced people that brought us the civil rights movement, women's rights, gay rights, and more...  I remember that they were all dressed " professionally".
Tired, of people who judge others by what they see and hear.  Not, by what they know about them.  The gay rights movement in this country proves the more you get to know those you criticize the less critical and more compassionate we become.

See, I am tired, cause I am lucky.   I have a good job.  I have rarely called in sick and for most of my career a 50 hour work week would be considered a luxury.  So yes, it is possible to have a strong work ethic, be successful, and yet have the compassion and open heart to be concerned about others and not rush to judge them.

So, as much as I may admire many in the 1%.  Sitting in a luxurious life criticizing others when they have no sense of how or why they live the way they do, seems frankly heartless.  I try not to judge others.  It is hard, but maybe we should be like dogs.  Just try to love everyone, and not judge until they have done harm to you or their appears a need to protect your family.


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