Untold Beauties in Palm Trees

I sit here... feeling like quite lucky man.

I sit here on my patio and watching the wind blow through the trees. The river has some ripples.. and the trees continue to blow and all I can think of is how lucky I am.

Did I mention it is 77, and sunny and Minneapolis had to postpone a football game because of snow and the Giants could not get there in time to be ready to play at 1pm. And I sit in shorts, and it is 77 and sunny.

I do want to remark that it will be 48 tonight. We have had some chilly evenings here. Quite early in the year for south Florida. But, I don't think anyone in Minneapolis would want to hear me complain about 48 tonight and a high of 63 tomorrow.

With any luck, by the end of the month I will have started ownership of 311. 7 doors down, and an extra bed room and bathroom and a similar view as I have now. Other than the quite redneck picture in my head, of moving down the hall, I am quite excited about the possibilities of my new home and realizing that my life has come full circle in many ways.

I believe in 1994 I bought my first 303 here. It was similar, 2 bed rooms and 2 bathrooms with a view of the water. So much has happened in those 16 years. I have lived in other homes. Sold 303 to Harry, bought a place in Provincetown, sold my home in New Jersey and came back to rent 304 from Harry. Much of this has been written about here... and amazing that my life will come full circle back to this same building. By the way, 303 was the first property I ever bought so even more interesting how full circle life can be.

This all started in my head, as I watched the palm trees blowing in the wind. I never realized that palm trees and their fronds slowly ease up the tree. I am looking at the top and you can see the new fronds coming out. As the palm fronds fall they there is a new part of the tree trunk left behind. So, slowly but surely the trees get taller by shedding a frond or two and inching up to the sky. Many of you may have already known this, and frankly many of you maybe less than entertained by this observation. But, there you have the untold beauty of the Palm trees.

While I sit here, I wanted to change subjects. Picture it that you are alive in New York, city in 1945 on VE day. The World is beginning to come out of the challenges of WW II and still waiting the defeat of the Japanese. But, still here you are in New York and the celebrations begin. Harry shared some of the writings of his cousin Goody, and this time they are from that day. She is amazed by all the celebrations down 5th avenue and also amazed by the happiness. At the same time, she mentioned that it was the AP news that broke the news of victory and she was a little challenged that it was the press that did and not some government official. She then mentions that Germany was already requesting assistance to rebuild their country and she was quite challenged by all of that... and by the new power of the press. She also mentions how the world had shrunk a little bit with the advent of the press and the small city isolation would be over.

What amazed me, beyond these writings.. including her husband had 6 warts removed from his knee and how odd of way that was to celebrate victory, is that her comments of a shrinking world and the challenges of globalization is not that different than today. We talk about the Internet and global integration as having a similar impact just at a different scale.

So, who would have thought this blog would have gone from Palm Trees to World Wars. And, how surprisingly it has been almost 2 months since my last post and Glen Dynin has not commented.. must mean he is quite busy with what I hope is a successful Christmas Season.

Happy Holidays to Every One!


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