We Write Our Own History...

I was prodded, thankfully, by Glen to write in my blog. (now two post in one day) Interestingly enough, I have written to articles on the iPad and on a flight and just never got arround to posting them. So, I will dust those off as well and see if they warrant posting,

Today I am struck this morning by what it means to our own history. Both, our perspective on history and our desire or lack of desire to leave a legacy of our own.
I have a good friend who created an exhibit at the stonewall libray in Fort Lauderdale. It is an exhibit on camp. When you are there you see these fabulous posters on the history of Camp and right along with it is a time line of a gay coming out in the USA.

This timeline of from when gay was not even spoken of in code, to our current world where many people feel safe in our ability to express who we are. Frankly, this manifests itself in gay rights. In fighting for marriage equality possibly at the Supreme court. It manifests itself in a Tea Party movement where people feel compelled to cloke their intent in flag of our own revolution. It is also comes around as people live their every day lives and just want to do good work, keep a roof over their head, and raise a family or even have an occassional pool party.

Jack and I were discussing yesterday is Camp dead. Is the need to have people who are basically creating and exhibiting themselves in code to represent another form of life over? He mentioned to me in an interview there was discussion that in military academies there are code words used among the gay students today. So, camp in some form is not dead.

So... we write our own history. Some of us, such as myself, am not sure the legacy to be left behind. Some of us write books, or in todays world challenge the world of writing with a quirky blog such as this. But, it is a history of sorts.. the feeling that our history and legacy is before us. Makes me proud of this moment in history.

You can learn more about camp at... http://www.stonewall-library.org/ and if you are in Fort Lauderdale you can stop by and see it in person.

Happy Labor Day Everyone!


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