The Wonder of it all

What happens when the world around you looks like a whirl wind, and you feel that you could be the calm in the center:

* The presidential election is all a turmoil. Should Hillary give in to the party and allow Obama to gain the nomination? Or should she follow her gut and her heart? Is she running just to continue to raise funds to pay back her loan? all of this seems to be possibilities. And, all I can say is I have passion for her being elected but with each passing day my interest in a truly important election year is declining.

* Brother moves to Milwaukee, and does not have things settled back in Savannah where he still has a house and a mortgage. And, his job seems to be less than secure. So, I wonder what is next and realize there is not much I can or should do about it. His choices in life would not be mine, and certainly I was not asked for my input either.

* The economy is showing signs of strain and recession. Certainly is true in the state of New Jersey where the Governor is finally trying to fix a troubled budget, state, and local government. Mind you this is a state now with the highest wages and the most millionaires in the country so you think this would be simple? not likely. We also have very many municipalities that all run independent school systems, police, and fire and more. Some are very small, and Highland Park with all of 14000 residents is one that is on the small side. Being pinched by the state both in terms of state funding, and mandates from the state that it is clear are meant to cause some communities to consolidate services. Consolidation of services might keep the tax bills from going up. So that would be good for Brian? but, Highland Park is a tight community with great schools and would consolidation harm the sense of community that we feel?

So, I wonder am I the calm in the storm or will the winds of stress and strain on the world invade my peaceful existence. I do realize the one thing I need to do is to focus on me and keeping my life stable. That means not overextending myself to help others as much as they may like me to.


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