Hot Summer Day Random Top 10


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I would like to do an odd top ten. It has been a long time since I have done one, so here it goes.  I didn't start with a theme in mind, but as you read it, you may notice a theme after all.

1) If you think turning on your turn indicator while turning is the point, you are wrong.  Or, more importantly, you have yet to be a pedestrian crossing that intersection.  The point of using your turn indicator is not to show off as you turn but to let us all know what you will do ahead of time to keep us all safe.

2) If you want to complain to me but don't want to solve what you are complaining about, please don't.  I have spent most of my career trying to fix problems and move the ball forward.  Nothing is more frustrating than hearing complaints, giving good advice, and realizing that all the person wanted to do was complain.

3) Generative AI, led by ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Meta's LLAMA2, creates a unique moment in history.  It will change the jobs of white-collar workers in a way not seen since the beginning of the computer era, maybe back to the mainframe.  Skills such as drafting an email, writing marketing copy, or even writing a simple computer program can be led by AI.  As AI, especially generative AI, matures, we will see a need to retool how we educate and train white-collar workers. You can read my recent LinkedIn article on the importance of college, particularly English majors for college students.

4) We live in unusual times in the USA.  No doubt the political climate is frustrating on whichever side of the issues you may be.  However, progress is not linear, like a computer program.  Sometimes the USA will take a step backward or not focus on obvious issues such as global warming, as one would hope.  However, this country tends to continue to move forward. I am proud to be an American.  

5) Speaking of the political climate and extending that to red and blue states, it is easy for people of both sides of the aisle to discount states that may not see leading with their values.  Like it or not, every state has Republican and Democrat voters. If you take Mississippi, Trump won with 57.6% of the vote. Guess what? That means over 40% voted for Biden, and if you visited Natchez, MS, either side of the aisle would love it!  Or, if you look at NY, Biden won by 61%, which means, again, 39% voted for Trump.  For fun, that means more people voted for Trump in NY than the population of Mississippi.  

6) Negative comments about states, such as Florida, are not helpful.  It is easy to decide to hate the whole state because of Desantis and the legislature.  However, you would be hard-pressed to decide that Fort Lauderdale and Broward County shouldn't have visitors because of the politics in Tallahassee.  It is also hard to see why not visiting Orlando and Disney World out of protest would be in a liberal's best interest.  I have had the luxury of living in red states and some of the bluest states in this country. Opening minds, sharing ideas, and realizing that most people are good and want peace and harmony around them will bring calm and peace to states and the country.

7) Life is about the choices we make. The only path to ensure my happiness and contentment is knowing I made my life choices. If you aren't making choices for your life, then you are allowing others to do it for you.  Whether it is an employer, a partner, a parent, or other family members allowing others to make your life choices is not for the best.   Even if my choices are wrong, at least I know who to blame and who is responsible for ensuring it does not happen again.  

8) The word exaggeration is quickly becoming my least favorite word.  Whether on Social Media, on the phone, or in a silly blog like this one, people need to exaggerate to emphasize a point or want to be sure everyone knows how great or horrible something may be.  It could be about a recent purchase. It could be about a vacation they are on or took.  It could be about a career achievement.  It makes it hard to discover what is true.   Why can we all honestly share the truth or keep it private?

I will share this picture I posted on Facebook.   It was a lovely morning, and most agreed it was a great picture.  However, it is not some lovely creek in the middle of the forest.  It is a creek in the middle of Longview and is more draining than a fabulous scene.

9) Do consumer product companies not believe we will notice when they shrink packages vs. increasing prices? This has been going on for quite a while, as I remember. My grandfather noticed a few years back that when Kleenex brought out new packaging, they were also reducing the number of sheets per box.  Recently, I noticed at our local Kroger that the package of coffee we buy had been reduced in size, while they also put it on sale.  Coffee packaging has led this for I don't know how long. You can’t buy a pound of coffee as most packages in stores are 12 or 14 ounces.  I have gone back to ordering Anderson Coffee online out of Austin.  Their coffee is really good, and it might be cheaper when you realize you get a pound of coffee.

10) My last item is arrogant people and how it impacts lives professionally and personally.  Honest, some people have every right to be arrogant.  If you are Elon Musk, even if I don't always like his politics or outbursts, he is doing a great deal every day to impact the world.  Tesla and EV batteries for EVs established the potential and sparked the growth of EVs in this country.  SpaceX is revolutionizing Space Travel.  Starlink and its thousands of satellites are changing internet access today, especially for remote locations, and we can only imagine the future of what it will do to the telecommunications industry.

That said, there are very few Elon Musk in the world, and even he has a number of people working with and for him to help make this all possible.

Most of us should leave arrogance at the door when we leave home or only share it with the dog alone.  Arrogance becomes a shield to an open mind, prevents one from finding new ways to do things better, keeps one from understanding other people's differences, and, most importantly, the ability to see when we may be wrong. 

These top ten thoughts, which started quite random, turned out to be focused on honesty, humility, and being kind.


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