Here is my latest top ten list of what is on my mind these days.
Advice on LinkedIn: There are many good articles on LinkedIn that range from different approaches to marketing, improving sales, or at times management advice. But, it always reminds me of when I started as a sales rep. Everyone told me to read books on better sales approaches and how to sell more. The first call I made, the CEO of a construction company had the same books recommended on his bookshelf. How can I possibly be authentic with a client if we are both reading that same book?
In technology sales, I spent more time understanding the technology and what I was selling. Focused more on their business and earned multiple 100% clubs and Golden Circle awards. If I had followed the pack, I don't think I would have done as well.
Odd price promotions in grocery stores during the pandemic: Has anyone figured out what a sales price is? Is it off of one? Do you have to buy five, or do you have to add a digital coupon? If I don't have their rewards card, then am I just officially screwed? It seems to me by having us buy extra to get an extra dollar off is a way to make the shelves look empty. And, when it comes to Cokes and Pepsis, I am not even sure what they are trying to accomplish as the wait is as much for the right inventory as it is the best price.
I am a fan of how well the grocery stores around me have handled the pandemic, but these pricing challenges remind me of Macy's a few years back. You never really knew what you were going to pay till you were at the register.
Packages with easy opening tabs: They continue to add “easy to open” options to different items, such as the recent bottle of olive oil we bought. The instructions were clear, but the actual easy opening cap didn't work. Pair this with the easy opening tab on the frozen vegetable after cooking. The opportunity to burn yourself is greater than true ease of opening. It makes me wonder if the comedians who used to focus on road design have been promoted. It amazes me that Ina Garten can make foolproof recipes of many different ingredients, but very qualified engineers designed these packages that I just don't think are worth the trouble. As another example, try to figure out the resealable bag of 1 lb. of licorice-flavored jelly bellies without yelling at the dog.
There are no stop or yield signs at intersections: I don't think this is a Texas problem, but it might be an East Texas problem. There are several intersections without stop or yield signs. There is one or two in the neighborhood that makes me wonder if the idea of stop signs is too expensive.
One more on driving in East Texas: Are stoplights just a suggestion? I am constantly reminded that red lights are only in effect 15 seconds after the light changed, or is it my error that red lights don't mean to stop, but they mean to accelerate. My reflex, oddly enough, at a green light is to go, and I am reminded that I need to look both ways first!!!! While I am at it, signaling one's intent to turn is also in the same book as following the red light. I am glad I didn't have to test for my driver's license here because I might have failed these two.
FaceBook and Elon Musk are looking to read my mind: Use my mind to guide VR or help me in my day-to-day task without needing a keyboard or speaking. This is getting close to my greatest fear in my life. A computer will read my mind, and I will be on my one-way trip to an island somewhere. Most of my thoughts are kind, thoughtful, and even funny at times. But, the keyword is MOST! Should I start apologizing now as I walk the grocery store and see some unusual clothing choices?
Or what is really going to happen. I will think about what to get Frank for his birthday, and all of a sudden, in my mind will be recommendations on what to buy and where. So, my already cloudy mind will be further clouded by advertisements, as this is how they make money anyway. We have been concerned about DNA privacy, and now we have to be concerned about the privacy of our own thoughts and those that can invade our minds.
Has technology gone beyond its true usefulness?
President Biden, the man of the century: I was not an early fan of Biden. I thought there were younger and more talented candidates for President. As Cher kept mentioning online, I started to change my mind about how she knew him and admired him. That said, I am wondering if he has been truly planning for this moment his whole adult life. I know my brother won't agree on his policy on Iran, but there are numerous efforts in his first hundred days that will impact us for decades to come. He is packing recovery into these pandemic bills and changing healthcare and other provisions that will impact our lives for years to come.
The Supremes and justice: I hate to say it, but I have written a few times why the democrats didn't focus on the impact republican presidents will have on the federal judiciary and especially the Supreme court. This issue and the impact they will have on gun rights, civil rights, and women's rights to choose what is right for her body, the environment, and more will be challenging for years to come. Expanding the number of supreme court justices is not the best idea, as this will never end, and we will wind up with a court that can do nothing. We need to focus on the next few years and make sure that this gets better, such as when Thomas retires.
Have you bought skittles lately: If you went to the store and bought some candy and walked home
peacefully and without a care in this country, the odds are you are white. If you are the parent of a child that went to buy candy and you were not worried about them, the odds are you are white. And, if you were worried and your child was nervous and weren't worried about bullies from school but the policemen patrolling the neighborhood, you aren't white. We need to understand how systemic racism permeates so deeply in our society and its day-to-day impact on everyone. It is easy to discount this when the majority can't even imagine the concerns of those in the minority.Systemic racism means we don't think about it. We don't have conscious intent because we don't have to, as it is everywhere. When you watch your next Zoom call, look around that room and see if the crowd looks like you or is more diverse. When you watch, your favorite TV show is diversity real or looks like it was added after the fact. To truly work against systemic racism, we have to raise our own consciousness to see it and not just accept the norm.
Gun rights should not equal machine guns!: I am sorry, 2nd amendment rights advocates are getting out of hand. Smith and Wesson are having their best year ever selling guns and ammunition. Having assault rifles and ammunition is not what is needed to potentially defend oneself. You can't have a machine gun and go hunting and call it a sport, not from the deer's point of view.
They sell fear and ugliness in a way that not even the security alarm people can match. Smith and Wesson said their top growing demographic are women and minorities. I guess white males are already saturated with guns.
What I am reminded of daily is how important it is to wake up with an open mind. To realize, most of us want fairness and goodwill for all people. The challenge is not to use the desire for peace and calm to stop us from raising our voices to try and right the wrongs of this earth.